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南方医科大学成人高等教育毕业论文 题 目:冠心病的诊断与防治 ?作者姓名: ?专 业: ?年 级: 级(专升本) 摘 要 冠心病在我国已经成为了一种多发病与常见病,对人们的生命健康问题存在很大的威胁,然而以现在的实际情况来看,临床上缺少一种相对简单的、可行的而且客观性比较强并且容易推广的诊断方法,在冠心病的诊断中,还存在着许多的不足与误区。至目前为止,每年有至少70万人死于冠心病,我国对冠心病的治疗状况还不是很完善,冠心病的发病率在不断的持续上升,并且还存在着知晓率低、治疗率低、控制率低的“三低”状况;对待疑诊的一些患者还缺乏很多规范化的诊断与完善的治疗方案。冠心病的治疗在全世界看来都是一项重要的卫生问题,本文主要对冠心病的风诊断进行研究从而总结出一些防治方法与对策。 关键词:冠心病; 诊断与防治 ABSTRACT Coronary heart disease in our country has become a common disease, frequently-occurring disease and there is a big threat to peoples life and health problems, however, in todays actual situation, the lack of a relatively simple and feasible clinical and objectivity is strong and easy to promote diagnostic methods, in the diagnosis of coronary heart disease, there are many shortcomings and errors. So far, at least 700000 people die each year from coronary heart disease, the treatment of coronary heart disease in China is not very perfect, the incidence of coronary heart disease is constantly rising, and there is low awareness is low, low treatment and control of the \three low\; Treat history some patients also lack a lot of standardization of diagnosis and comprehensive treatment. Around the world appears to be the treatment of coronary heart disease is a major health problem, this paper mainly to study the diagnosis of coronary heart disease (CHD) and sums up some prevention and cure methods and countermeasures. Key words:coronary heart disease; Diagnosis and prevention and control of 目 录 一、 简介冠心病 1 二、冠心病的诊断及常见误区 1 (一)冠心病的诊断 1 (二)诊断中的常见误区 1 三、冠心病的防治策略 2 (一)推行合理的冠心病防治 2 1.调节膳食结构 2 2.一般药物的预防 2 结 论 3 致 谢 4 参考文献 5 简介冠心病 冠心病的指的是冠脉结构和(或)功能发生异常,从而引起冠脉狭窄、痉挛和(或)闭塞,导致心肌缺血和(或)梗死的一组临床综合征,是冠状动脉性心脏病(eoorna叮heartdiseas(可以简称为CHD)。虽然冠心病大部分(95%以上)是因为动脉粥样硬化引起的,但还存在炎症、痉挛、栓塞及先天畸形的情况。对于临床上没有心肌缺血和(或)梗死的主、客观的证据,冠脉狭窄小于50%的患者,就应该可以诊断是冠状动脉病(eoorna叮arte汀diesase,CAD)。如果出现了心肌缺血和(或)梗死的证据(心绞痛、心肌梗死),CAD就会转变成CHD。 随着我国的经济不断的发展,人民生活水平也


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