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观点论证型作文模板 模板一 Topic: ____________________ 1 It is well known that __________. 2 The truth of it is self-evident _____. 3 No one can deny _______________. 4 Therefore, ____________________. 5Many examples can be found to prove________________________________. 6 Take _______ as a typical example. 7 People _______________________. 8 Further more, ________________. 9 It goes without saying _______. 10 Then, ______________________. 11 There is no doubt that ________. 12 In conclusion, _______________. 信息提示: 1:提出观点 2:观点的理论依据 3:证明观点的正确性 5:提出事实,论证观点 6:提出具体的例子 7:人们的习惯作法 8:其它相关事实 9:这一观点在日常生活中的体现 10:重申观点的正确性 11:得出结论 12:总结全文 模板二 Topic: ________________ 1 It is believed that ____________. 2 The truth is deep and profound. 3 As we know, _________________. 4 Consequently ________________. 5 A case in point is ___________. 6 This is close to suggest _________. 7 It is true that ________________. 8 In addition, _________________. 9 All mentioned above tells us __. 10 As a matter of fact, ___________. 11 There is no denying that ______. 12 In short, ___________________. 信息提示: 1:提出观点 3:观点的理论依据 4:证明观点的正确性的理论 5:提出具体的例子 6:深入探讨这一事例 7:重申理论的正确性 8:其它相关事实或结果 9:重申观点 10:这一观点在日常生活中的体现 11:得出结论 12:总结全文 范文一: Dont Hesitate to Say No 1.别人请求帮忙时,在什么情况下我们会说 ‘不’; 2.为什么有些人在该说‘不’的时侯不说‘不’; 3.该说‘不’时不说 ‘不’的坏处。 模板一: Dont Hesitate to Say No 1) lt’s well known that we should not hesitate to say No on many occasions. 2 ) The truth of it is self-evident.3) No one can deny that when we are unable to offer help, we should say No”. 4 ) Therefore, a direct reply No should be frequently used to avoid misunderstanding among us. 5) Many examples can be found to prove that it is not easy to say No in our real lives. 6) Take our behaviors as a typical example. 7) People prefer to say Yes when they should say No” for fear of hurting others. 8) Furthermore, people usually think their refusal means their inability in front of their friends and relatives. 9) It goes without saying that we sh


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