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一般将来时 主要用来描述将要发生的动作或存在于未来的情况。这里所说的“将来时间”是指“说话、写文章那一刻以后的时间”。它的表示方法主要有如下几种:   1)shall / will + 动词原形这种表示方法是说,动作在现在或目前还未发生,要在将来的某个时间内发生;它没有主观性,是“纯粹的将来动作”。例如:   I shall / will not be free tomorrow .我明天没空。   He will arrive here this evening .他今晚抵达这里。   2) be( am / is / are ) + going +不定式   这种表示方法主要是说明 A)“说话人的意图、打算”;B)“某种可能性”。例如:   A) He is going to spend his holidays in London . 他打算在伦敦度假。   Who is going to speak first? 谁先发言?   B) It is going to rain soon .马上要下雨了。   Is he going to collect any data for us? 他会帮我们收集资料吗?   If you go to New Zealand, you are going to like the place. 如果你去新西兰,你会喜欢上那个地方的。   3) be( am / is / are ) + 不定式表示方法描述两钟情况:   按计划安排要发生的动作,这个动作发生的时间一般不会很远; 要求或命令他人做某事。例如:   A) The new bridge is to open to traffic in three days. 新桥三天后通车。   The factory is to go into production before National Day. 这家工厂国庆节前投产。   B) You are not to bring any mobile communication means into the exam-room . 任何移动通讯工具都不得带入考场。   You are to stay home until your mother comes back. 你妈回来之前你不要出去。   4) 用一般现在时或现在进行时(限于某些动词)表示按计划安排要发生的事。主要强调“按计划安排要发生的事”。例如:   Do you get off at the next stop? 你下一站下车吗?   The plane takes off at 11:00 a.m. 那架飞机上午十一点起飞。   Mr. Reider is leaving for New York next week. 里德先生下周动身去纽约。? 一、单项选择   (?? ) 1.? There __________ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.   ?????? A. will be going to?????? B. will going to be?? C. is going to be???? D. will go to be   (?? ) 2.? Charlie ________ here next month.   ????? A. isnt working???? B. doesnt working? C. isnt going to working???? D. wont work   (?? ) 3.? He ________ very busy this week, he ________ free next week.   ???? A. will be; is??????????? B. is; is????? C. will be; will be??????? D. is; will be   (?? ) 4.? There ________ a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening.   ?? A. was??????? B. is going to have??? C. will have??? D. is going to be   (?? ) 5.? -_____ you ______ free tomorrow? - No. I _____ free the day after tomorrow.   A. Are; going to; will????? B. Are; going to be; will?   C. Are; going to; will be?? D. Are; going to b


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