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Tianjin University of Technology and Education 毕 业 设 计 专 业: 机械维修及检测技术教育 班级学号: 机检0401班 - 23号 学生姓名: 李 佳 指导教师: 蒋 丽 高级工程师 二〇〇九年六月 天津工程师范学院本科生毕业设计 颗粒物料定量称重、灌装控制系统 设计(电控部分) Granular materials quantitative weighing and packaging control system design (Electric control part) 专业班级:机检0401班 学生姓名:李 佳 指导教师:蒋 丽 高级工程师 系 别:机械工程学院 2009年6月 摘 要 随着社会经济、技术的快速发展,颗粒物料定量称重、灌装类设备的需求量日益增加,并且对物料包装的速度和精度要求也更加严格。本设计根据这一要求并结合谷物生产的实际情况,研制了颗粒物料的定量称重灌装设备的控制系统,对如何提高灌装速度和称量精度提出了改进方案。设计中采用AD-4401称重仪表进行称重,显示物料的重量值,并以称重传感器的输出信号为判断依据,二者结合完成物料的定量称重,同时用PLC来控制系统灌装动作顺序,并配以相关的执行驱动器件,实现了颗粒物料喂料、定量称重、半自动灌装等环节的电气系统的控制。 具体的设计方案是将物料喂料过程分为两个阶段,并用气动系统驱动粗喂料阀门和细喂料阀门的打开与关闭,通过两次喂料保证了称重的速度和精度,并实现了过冲量修正功能,提高了定量灌装的精度。并且具有良好的人机界面,使得该系统可适用于不同的颗粒物料定量灌装。另外通过相关电气图的设计、元器件的选型、PLC整体控制设计并编写控制系统程序几部分,达到了自动称重、定量喂料等自动控制的目的,完成了本次设计的任务。可用于化工、医药、制米、饲料、粮食加工等行业中的松散态颗粒物料的连续定量灌装。 关键词:颗粒物料;定量灌装;自动控制; PLC ABSTRACT With the rapid development of social economic and technology, the demand for equipment of quantitative granular materials weighing and packaging is growing,and stricting with the required speed and precision of material packaging. According to the requests of realities in production, an automatic control system of quantitative weighing and packaging is studied on. And the better proposal is proposed to improve the speed of packaging and the precision of weighing. Using the AD-4401 weighing instrument to weigh and display the value of material weighing, and according to the output signal of weighting cell, that accomplish materials quantitative weighing. Using PLC to control the sequence of filling movement, and to match relevant execute driver device in the design, that realize the electric control of the feeding for granular material、the quantitative weighing and semi-automatic packaging, and so on. Design proposal of specifics is divided materiel feeling process into two stage, with pneumatic system to drive big feed valve and small f



