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餐饮部岗位英语 1.Welcome to our restaurant 欢迎光临 2.How do you do 您好! 3.Good morning (afternoon/evening), sir/madam. 早上(下午、晚上)好! 4.Excuse me, sir/madam. 对不起。 5.Please. 请。 6.Thank you.(You are welcome/Not at all.) 谢谢。(不客气) 7.Excuse me. Thank you for waiting. 对不起,让您久等了。 8.Yes, (Fine/O.K/All right) sir/madam. 好的,先生。 9.Just a moment please. 请稍等。 10.Have a good time.(Please enjoy your stay.) 祝您过的愉快! 11.Good-bye. Thank you for staying with us. We hope to see you again soon. 再见!谢谢光临。欢迎再次光临。 12.Nice to see you again, sir. 见到您很高兴。 13.I see, sir. 我明白了,先生。 14.Certainly. sir. 当然可以,先生。 15.May I have your name, Please. 请问贵姓? 16.Please sit down and make yourself at home. 请坐,别拘束。 17.I beg your pardon? (Could you speak a little slower, Please?) 原谅我,请再说一次。您能说慢一点吗? 18.May I help you? 要我帮忙吗? 19.What can I do for you? (May I be of any service to you?) 我能为您做些什么? 20.Thanks a lot .It’s very kind of you. 多谢,您太好了。 21.I hope (believe/ thank) so. 我希望(相信、想)是这样。 22.Happy New Year (Birthday)! 新年(生日)快乐! 23.I’m very sorry for the mistake. 我想这是个误会。 24.Good evening sir .A table for how many? 晚上好,请问您有几位? 25.Whose name shall I use for the reservation? 请问您用什么名义预定? 26.Do you smoke? 您吸烟吗? 27.This way please. 这边请。 28.Where would you like to sit? 您喜欢坐哪儿? 29.What kind of banquet would like? 请问您参加哪一批宴会? 30.There is a table for four,Will this table be all right? 这边有四个人的座位吗,可以吗? 31.I’m sorry, our restaurant is full now, would you please wait a moment? 对不起,我们餐厅现在已经客满,您愿意等一下吗? 32.Your table is ready now. 您的桌子已经准备好了。 33.May I take your order now? 现在可以点菜吗? 34.I would suggest XXX. May be you will like it .It very tasty. 我建议您点XXX,也许您会喜欢。味道不错的。 35.XXX is the special of our restaurant. Would you like to try it? XXX是我们的特色菜肴,要不要尝一尝? 36.Would you like a drink before your dinner? 您愿意在餐前来点饮料吗? 37.Excuse me , Would you like soy sauce or vinegar? 对不起,您喜欢酱油还是醋? 38.How would you like it to be cooked? 您喜欢怎样烹制? 39.I’ll tell the chef about your request. 我将您的要求告诉厨师。 40.I’m sorry. We have run out of it. Do you mind trying some other dis


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