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课题Lecture 2Translation of business English words授课时数2授课类型Lecture教学目的To get students know how to finalize word meaning;To have a good command of methods to translate business English words: extension, conversion of parts of speech, shift of perspective, amplification and omission, repetition;To let students familiar with translation of number in business English.教学重点Methods of translation of Part of speech, shift of perspective, amplification and omission;Translation of number in business English教学难点Shift of perspective, translation of number in business English主要︵知识︶语言点Choice of word meaning;ExtensionConversion of parts of speechShift of perspectiveAmplification and omissionRepetition;Translation of number in business English教学过程︵学时分配︶教学过程︵学时分配︶Period 1Step 1 Lead-in Ⅰ词义的选择(Choice of Meaning)变化中的词义(warming-up)The expansion or generalization of meaning (意义泛化) The narrowing or specialization of meaning (意义特化) The shift of meaningExtension or generalizationIt means that a word originally having a specialized now has become generalized. The word has extended from a narrow sense of a concept to a broader sense of the concept.Specific →generalConcrete → abstractTechnical term → general termProper nouns → common nounsSpecialization/NarrowingIt means a process in which a word of broad meanings acquires narrower senses.General → specificAbstract → specificCommon nouns → proper nounsGeneral term→ technical term变化中的词义(举例)Countdown倒计时扩展为: 十分危急的情况 Fallout放射性尘埃扩展为:(不良的)后果Economy家庭料理转化为: 经济Orientation东方转化为: 方向liquor 液体缩小为:白酒Step 2 Presentation(一)根据汉语的表达习惯确定词义net income净收入net profit 纯利润net conclusion最终结论1. a low figure 小数目2. workers on low incomes收入低的工人。3. The simplest way to succeed in business is to buy low and sell high. 生意成功最简单的途径就是贱买贵卖。4. The value of the pound has fallen to a new low against the dollar.英镑兑换美元的比值已跌到新的(最)低点。技巧点评:商务英语翻译不同于文艺作品的翻译,一般不讲求文采、韵味、修辞等,而要求把“准确严谨”的原则置于首位;在翻译专业术语和关键词语时,一定要在透彻地理解原文的精神实质的基础上,准确地用符合汉语表达习惯的说法表达出来。(二)根据词性确定词义1.The price quoted include a prog


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