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2005-2007年英语学科中考分析 一. 各部分考核要求与特点 Part 1 Listening 1.考核要求 测试对所听语言材料的理解能力. 2.命题的趋势 难度逐年下降. Dialogues and questions: 1)信息的遴选 2)简单计算 3)领会意思,进行综合判断 4)疑问词多样 1. W: Paul, how many countries have you been to since you became a tourist guide? M: Mm, let me see. I’ve been to France, Canada and New Zealand. W: Wow, cool! Which country do you like best? M: They are all wonderful, but still I like Singapore. It’s my home. My parents and friends all live here. Q: Which country do the man’s parents live in? A) Canada B) France C) Singapore D) New Zealand (05) 2. M: Are you in the dancing club, Mary? W: Yes. M: How often do you practise there? W: Twice a week. We meet on Tuesday and Friday afternoons, but we’ll take part in a competition this Sunday. Q: When will the competition take place? A) On Tuesday B) On Friday C) On Saturday D) On Sunday (06) 3. M: Diana, are their enough chairs for the meeting this afternoon? W: Oh, yes. There’re twenty. M: I’m afraid we need five more. Q: How many people will probably attend the meeting? A) 5 B) 15 C) 20 D) 25  (05) 4. W: Mike, I heard that you had moved into a new flat. Didn’t you like your old one? M: Yes, I did. But my neighbours hold parties very often and their dog makes much noise at night. W: Oh, I see. Q: Why did Mike move into a new flat? A) He disliked hid old flat. B) He hated the noise. C) He wanted to give more parties. D) He wanted to have a dog. (05) 5. W: Hello, may I speak to Frank? M: Speaking, who is that? W: This is Kitty. What’s up? M: Hi, Kitty. What’s up? W: Would you like to go fishing with us tomorrow? M: Go fishing? Great! What time? Q: What are they doing now? A) They are having a meeting. B) They are fishing. C) They are making a phone call. D) They are talking about the time. (06) 6. M: Excuse me, madam? W: Yes? M: Does this bus go to the People’s Square? W: Sorry. I’m not sure. You can ask the policeman over there. Q: Where are the two speakers? A) A


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