加强中英在社会责任领域的专业合作Enhancing China and UK Professional Partnerships in Social ....ppt

加强中英在社会责任领域的专业合作Enhancing China and UK Professional Partnerships in Social ....ppt

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Enhancing China and UK Professional Partnerships in Social Responsibility 加强中英在社会责任领域的专业合作 International Hotel Beijing – 19 June 2009 北京国际饭店 2009年6月19日 Ben Papé 彭柏辉 BETNET TPN Chairman The Institution of Engineering Technology 英国工程技术学会 The Engineer’s Responsibilities工程师的责任是: To transform ideas into reality.将想法变成现实 To improve and maintain standards appropriate to the community.改进并坚持适合行业的标准 To develop understanding and pass on knowledge to successive generations.开发智力,传承知识 To ensure products are safe, efficient, easy to use and have minimal environmental impact.确保产品安全、高效、使用便捷且对环境的影响减到最小。 To support Corporate Social Responsibility支持企业社会责任 The Blue Planet 蓝色的星球 Our World Today 我们的世界 World Financial Crisis 世界金融危机 Reckless lending不顾后果的放贷 Banking collapse银行业崩溃 Credit shortage信用短缺 Public debt/insolvency国债/资不抵债 Company/Personal bankruptcy公司/个人破产 Political turmoil政治混乱 World Financial Crisis 世界金融危机 Global sub-prime losses maybe US$4tn 预计全球损失4万亿美元 G20 debt 83% GDP in 2008 to 100% in 2010 20国集团债务2008年占GDP的83%,2010年100% Japan debt 194% in 2008 to 225% in 2010 日本债务2008年194%,2010年225% US debt 72% in 2008 to 100% in 2010 美国债务2008年72%,2010大于100% UK debt 43% in 2008 to 100% in 2010 英国债务2008年43%,2010年大于100% 2030 before debt repaid 2030年偿还债务 Source IMF 10 Jun 09 World Financial Crisis 世界金融危机 Global sub-prime losses maybe US$4tn G20 debt 83% GDP in 2008 to 100% in 2010 Japan debt 194% in 2008 to 225% in 2010 US debt 72% in 2008 to 100% UK debt 43% in 2008 to 100% 2030 before debt repaid Source IMF 10 Jun 09 World Environmental Issues 世界环境问题 Energy conservation节约能源  Environmental protection保护环境 Education教育 Employment就业 Food (affordable and safe)食品(安全、买得起) Healthcare (ageing population)保健(人口老龄化) Homes (affordable)住宅(买得起) Sustainable Development可持续发展 UK - China Cooperation 中英合作 G2G Projects政府间合作项目 UK-China Working Group on Construction中英建筑工作组 P2P Projects民间合作项目 CCTF Cifeng Community Centre 中国儿童少年基金会(CCTF) 磁峰(Cifeng)社区活动中心 CAPEC/IET BETNET Cooperation 中国设备监理协会(CAP


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