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General Characteristics of 20th Century Music Tonality dissolves Melodies erratic, wide leaps, irregular rhythms and unexpected notes Rhythmic freedom Length is unpredictable Tone and colour experimentation Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971) Le Sacre du Printemps (The Rite of Spring), Opening Section Ballet Primitivism Driving rhythms Clashing dissonances Experimental Reception Arnold Schoenberg Madonna from Pierrot Lunaire (1912) Expressionism Set of 21 poems by Albert Giraud Abandons tonality Sprechstimme Atonal Arnold Schoenberg Theme and Sixth Variation from Variations for Orchestra, Op. 31 (1928) Twelve tone technique Classical forms Retrograde, Inversion and Retrograde-Inversion Pre-cursor to total serialism Webern, Third Movement from Five Movements for String Quartet Designs are concentrated ,delicate, and short Atonal Imitative Wide range of articulations Copland, Fanfare for the Common Man Patriotism, nationalism Open, spacious For brass and percussion Boulez, Structures I, Book I, for Two Pianos Total serialism Pitch, duration, attack and dynamics Alban Berg (1885-1935) Wozzeck, Act III, Scenes 3, 4, and 5 Atonal Borrows structures from the past Symmetrical Leitmotiv Music of extremes Béla Bartók (1881-1945) 5th Mov’t, String Quartet No. 4 Arch form Five movements Clashing chords, whirling melodies, asymmetrical rhythms Extreme dissonances * * *


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