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MUL 2720 “Music of the World” Section 0001 – (Class Nbr.: 11064) Meets Monday, Wednesday Friday 10:30 am - 11:20 am “HPA I 0112” Health and Public Affairs I, (“behind” Union) Scott Warfield Assoc. Prof. of Music History Office: PAC M 227 Email: Some Important Web Pages My home web page : - Scott Warfields Home page (google my name to find) MUL 2720 home web page : - MUL 2720 - Music of the World - links to: Syllabus, Daily Assignments, (my) Review Sheets, PowerPoints, etc. Course Syllabus - Syllabus (MUL 2720) “Bookmark” or add to your “Favorites” What is “Music”? (Try writing your own definition.) “Organized Sounds and Silences” – John Cage (American Composer) “The rational organization of sounds and silences as they pass through time.” –Craig Wright (Yale University) (…but what parameters of sound can you “organize”?) The 4 Parameters of Sound PITCH = the frequency of vibration (heard as “high” vs. “low”) DURATION = the length of time a sound lasts (heard as aspects of rhythm) TIMBRE = tone color (the source of the sound, i.e., instrument, voice, other) DYNAMICS = Loudness/Softness Timbre Pronounced “tam-ber” Also known as “tone color” The aspect of sound that makes a trumpet different from a flute Literally, the source of a sound Technically derives from the “shape” of the sound wave (don’t need to know this) Sources of Musical Sounds Human Voices (probably the earliest way humans made music) Musical Instruments (devices or “tools” for making and controlling sounds) “Other” sources, e.g., “natural” sounds, electronic devices (synthesizers), etc. Voices Voice Ranges Soprano – high female Alto – low female Female Voice Types - YouTube Tenor – high male Bass – low male (watch the spelling) Classical Male Voices - YouTube Others? (mezzo soprano, contralto, baritone, bass-baritone, etc.) “SATB” * 8 January 2014 - Day 2 MUL 2720 - World Music * 8 January 2014 - Day 2 MUL 2720 - World Music * 8 January 2014 - Day 2 MUL 2720 - World Mus


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