Multivariate Digital Signature Schemes.ppt

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Multivariate Digital Signature Schemes Jiun-Ming Chen .tw/~jmchen Outline Elements of Cryptography Applications of Public-Key Cryptography Multivariate Digital Signatures Tame Transformation Signature Performance and Cryptanalysis Basics A cryptosystem consists of an algorithm, all possible keys, plaintexts, and ciphertexts. Its security is based on the privacy of its keys, not the privacy of its algorithm. In math language: the type of the function is known, but its parameters are secret. Two Types of Cryptosystems Symmetric Key Cryptosystems (Secret Key) Public Key Cryptosystems (Asymmetric Key) Symmetric Key Cryptosystems Encrypt 加密 ↗ ▲ ↘ Plaintext 明文 Symmetric key Ciphertext 密文 ↖ ▼ ↙ Decrypt 解密 DES (Data Encryption Standard) AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) — bytes are treated as elements of GF (28) Public Key Cryptosystems Public key ▼ Plaintext 明文 → Encrypt 加密 ↖ ↘ Decrypt 解密 ← Ciphertext 密文 ▲ Private key The most famous and important PKC: RSA (Ron Rivest – Adi Shamir – Len Adleman, 1977) In Math Language … Find a function f such that f ?1 exists but hard to find (computationally infeasible). Given x , easy to compute y = f ( x ) with public f . Given y , hard to find x = f ?1 ( y ) , unless some secret information about f ?1 is known. Such f is called a trapdoor one-way function. Digital Signatures 數位簽章 Private key 私鑰 ▼ Message → Sign 簽章 ↖ ↘ Verify 驗章 ← Signature ▲ Public key 公鑰 Public Key Infrastructure CA (Certificate Authority) – 憑證管理中心 RA (Registration Authority) – 憑證註冊中心 ? Confidentiality (秘密


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