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南京市浦口区高校女大学生美容消费行为研究 摘要 女大学生作为一个重要消费群体,由于其性别角色和社会角色与男性群体在消费上有明显差异,加上女大学生消费习惯、消费心理本身的变化性和复杂性,选取女大学生为研究对象,对其消费行为和消费心理进行研究,具有较强的理论和实践意义。 本文以南京市浦口区四所大学的在校女大学生为主要研究对象,通过问卷调查和访谈的形式,对女大学生美容消费行为进行了深入调查,探讨女大学生美容消费特点的差异、这些差异的影响因素以及女大学生美容消费的动机和影响因素。研究结果表明:女大学生美容消费趋向理性化、品牌化、低价位化;这些特点分别受到年级、专业、朋友、家庭等因素的影响;女大学生美容消费动机多数是源于旧的化妆品用完和对自身形象的考虑。 关键词:女大学生女性消费Through questionnaires and interviews aimed at female college students of four universities in Nanjing Pukou district, this thesis had an in-depth survey on their beauty consuming behavior in order to have a deep understanding on characteristics and factors of college girls cosmetics consumption. There are three questions for this paper to answer: 1. What are the differences of cosmetics consumption between college girls? 2. What factors lead to these differences? 3. What are the motivations and influences of girls’ beauty consumption? We could draw a conclusion from this paper that girls’ cosmetics consumption tended to be rational and focused on international brand at reasonable price. From questionnaires we knew these characteristics were influenced by their grade, major, friend, family and so on. What’s more, self-image consciousness and filling the used-up were the top two reasons which drove girls to buy cosmetics. As a unique group and being different from boys in the role of gender and social statue, college girls had its variability and complexity in consumption especially in cosmetic consumption or beauty consumption. In a word, this research meant a lot to female university students. Keywords:?college girls, cosmetics consumption, causes, females’ consumption 目录 一 导论 4 二 文献回顾 5 (一)回顾 5 1.大学生消费现状 5 2.大学生消费结构 5 3.大学生消费心理 6 4.大学生消费特点 7 (二)小结 7 三 研究方法及结果 8 (一)方法 8 (二)调查结果简述 8 四 讨论 12 (一)女大学生美容消费特点 12 (二)女大学生美容消费动机 13 (三)建议和思考 14 五 结论 16 (一)总结 16 (二)今后研究发展方向 16 1 导论 近年来,随着人们物质生活水平的不断提高,各大高校校园屡次出现校园豪门事件。在每年9月新生入学之际,豪车送生事件屡屡发生在我们周围,09年开学之际,南京信息工程大学的一名大一女生就是这样的一个典型,开学之日该女生在父母的陪同下坐着价值946万的劳斯莱斯开到学校报到,引起了


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