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末页 目录 首页 九年级(全)Units 13-14 学校生活 第二部分 高频话题写作指导   从全国近5年“学校生活”相关话题书面表达的命题来看,通常会从四个方面进行设题: 1.介绍自己在学校的学习生活情况; 2.学校的体育运动及课外活动; 3.学校的安全教育; 4.学校的校纪校规。   分析近3年60套四川真题可知,四川对此话题的书面表达是以介绍自己在学校的学习生活情况为主,下面以(2014泸州)为例: 写作导图 School Life Details Feeling beginning: get up, take exercise, have breakfast in the morning: have four classes, have lunch at 12:00 in the afternoon: have two classes, play sports busy but interesting in the evening: do some reading, do homework, go to bed after-class activities: playing basketball 亮点句型速成 常用句型: Today is fine. I go to school happily. 推荐句型: →①The sun lights brightly and the birds sing clearly. I go to school in high spirits. →②With the sun lighting brightly and the birds singing clearly, I go to school in high spirits. 开头句: 1. Now let me tell you something about my everyday school life. 2. My school life is very colorful and I have many lovely classmates and teachers. 正文句: 1. I usually get up at six o’clock. 2. At school,my teachers and classmates are very friendly to me. 3. I have learned a lot from them and made a lot of friends. 4. Last week’s talent show in our class was a great success. 5. Studying grammar is a great way to learn a language. 6. Our school is clean and beautiful. There are many trees and flowers around. 7. The school life is very busy and exciting. There are many activities in our school,such as playing basketball,singing. 8. Our teachers have taught us a lot. They not only teach us how to learn,but also teach us how to be a useful person in society. 9. I can make friends who will always be there for me even after I graduate. 结尾句: 1. My everyday school life is busy but interesting. 2. School gave me lots of happy memories and I will definitely remember them when I grow up. 3. It has given me a lot of interesting and exciting memories, which are unforgettable. (常用词汇见本书《28天话题词汇分类速记表》话题(五)学校、话题(十八)语言学习) 典例剖析 请你根据要点提示用英语写一篇短文,向你的朋友们简述你在学校一天的学习和生活情况。 要点提示: 1. 早上:起床,晨练,早餐; 2. 上午:上课时间、节数,


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