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南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文摘要逆变电源系统的模块化和智能化是电力电子技术领域的研究热点。电力线通信技术可利用电网作为媒介进行数据交换,已经得到广泛应用。本文设计了电力线通信模块,主要研究了电力线通信技术在并联运行的逆变电源系统中的应用,并设计其系统结构以及各模块工作方式,最后进行了实验验证。采用电力线通信技术,使各逆变器之间通过电力线交换彼此的同步信息,各逆变器在市电正常时跟踪市电,在市电故障时相互跟踪同步,从而实现了无互联线的数字化同步锁相,有效地消除了并联逆变模块之间的同步控制互联线。提出了一种基于电力线通信的逆变器监控方案,利用电力线通信技术实现PC 机与逆变器之间信息的交换,完成对逆变器的监视控制。该监控方案消除了PC 机与逆变器之间的通信线,优化了监控系统。设计制作了实验样机系统并给出各种工作状态的实验波形。实验结果验证了上述方案的可行性以及实用性。关键词:电力线通信,逆变器,并联,监控,同步,无互联线i电力线通信在逆变器并联系统中的应用研究ABSTRACTWith the rapid development of information technology, more and more attentionis paid to the digitalization and modularization of the Inverter power system. Thepower line communication technology is widely used because the information isexchanged through the electrical wire by this technology.The Power Line Communication module is designed in this thesis. Theapplication of PLC technology in parallel inverters system is researched, theconfiguration of system and function of every module is designed, and theexperimental results are given.According to the Power Line Communication technology, inverters exchange theinformation with each other based on the low voltage AC bus, and choose followingbypass or tracking each other by strategy. This scheme can achieve the wirelessdigital lock-loop, and avoid the control line among the inverters.An approach of monitoring technology based on Power Line Communication isproposed. The PC which monitors the inverters array exchanges the information withit on power line by means of Power Line Communication. As a result, there is nocommunication cable between the two parts, and the monitoring system is optimized.The pattern system is designed and made; the experimental waveforms in everystate are given. The experiment results verify the feasibility and practicability of theabove method.Keywords: Power Line Communication, inverter, parallel, monitor, synchronize,wirelessii电力线通信在逆变器并联系统中的应用研究图表清单图 1.1图 1.2图 1.3图 1.4图 1.5图 1.6图 1.7图 2.1图 2.2逆变器并联等效电路图 .........................................................


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