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浅析物流在电子商务中的重要作用 摘要 电子商务是20世纪信息化、网络化的产物,是一次高科技的革命。随着电子商务的迅猛发展,物流在电于商务发展中所起的作用越来越大。目前我国电于商务仍处在成长阶段,现行的物流体系在很大程度上制约着电子商务的发展。本文在分析物流对电子商务发展的重要性及我国电子商务物流发展的现状以及存在的问题的同时,重点阐述了解决电子商务物流发展的应对措施,从多方面多角度提出了各种对策,从而引出我国电子商务物流要健康有序的发展需要政府,物流企业以及社会各界的共同努力。由于电子商务与物流间密切的关系,电子商务这场革命必然对物流产生极大的影响。本文最后对我国电子商务物流的发展趋势进行预测,并得出电子商务物流在我国具有巨大的发展空间。 关键词 电子商务;物流;对策 Abstract E-commerce information are the 20th century, network-based product is a high-tech revolution. With the rapid development of e-commerce, logistics, business development in the electricity in the role more and more large. At present our country in the electricity business is still in the growth stage, the existing logistics system at a large extent, restricted the development of e-commerce. Based on the analysis of the logistics of the importance of the development of electronic commerce and our country in the development of e-business logistics as well as the existence of the problem simultaneously, focusing on a solution to deal with e-commerce logistics development and wide-ranging perspective of many put forward a variety of countermeasures, which e-commerce logistics leads our country want a healthy and orderly development of necessary government services, logistics enterprises, as well as the concerted efforts of all sectors of society. E-commerce and because of close relationship between the logistics, e-commerce revolution is bound to have a great impact on the logistics. Finally this article on Chinas logistics development trend of e-commerce to predict, and came to the e-commerce logistics in our country has enormous room for development. Key words electronic commerce; logistics; countermeasures 目录 摘要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 选题的背景及意义 1 1.2 国内外研究概况 2 1.2.1 国外研究概况 2 1.2.2 国内研究现状 3 1.3 论文的研究内容 3 1.4 论文的研究方法 4 第2章 论文相关理论基础 5 2.1 相关概念 5 2.2 物流在电子商务中的地位及主要作用 5 第3章 我国物流在电子商务中的现状 7 3.1 我国物流在电子商务中的现状 7 3.2 物流在电子商务企业中的现状 8 3.3 物流业的法律法规现状 9 第4章 探析物流缺点在电子商务中的反作用 10 4.1 物流基础设施不完善影响电子商务的配送 10 4.2 政府及企业的认识


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