九年级英语上册Unit6 Accidents! Lesson 41 After an Accident ppt.pptVIP

九年级英语上册Unit6 Accidents! Lesson 41 After an Accident ppt.ppt

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* * * Lesson 41 After an Accident Fill in each blank with the proper word from the brackets: Our math teacher devotes ______(he) to _______(teach). He ____________(choose) a new coat already. We were __________(great) surprised at the news. Bethune went to the _____________(north) China to help the people in wars. 5. Einstein asked people to give up nuclear weapons before his _________(die). 6. We are going to learn the __________(twenty) lesson. 7. The young boy is old enough _________(go) to school. 8. Your pencil is the same as __________(he). 9. All the _______(hero) are great people. 10. To ________(who) did you give the book to? 11. Two days ________(late), he came back home. himself teaching has chosen greatly northern death twentieth to go his heroes whom later 把下列句子变成被动语态,每空一词: We can build buildings here. Buildings _______ ________ ________ here by us. 2. Mary showed me her new sweater yesterday. Mary’s new sweater _____ ______ ______ me yesterday. 3. We use radios for listening to the news. Radios ______ ________ for listening to the news by us. 4. He made the farmers work for a long time. The farmers _______ _______ ________ work _____ him for a long time. 5. Have you posted the letter yet? _______ the letter _______ _______ by you yet? 6. He is writing a book for children. A book ______ _______ _________ for children by him. was shown to are used can be built were made to by Has been posted is being written A task: Write a paragraph introducing your mother or father. Tell why you are proud of her or him. Try using these phrases: I’m proud of my mother/father because … Once, my mother/father … Think about it! Have you ever seen an accident? What happened? Did you help? 2. What should you do if you see an accident happen? Talk about the picture: What are they doing? Why is Jenny angry? Read careful


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