九年级英语上册Unit6 Accidents Lesson 46 Help people ppt.pptVIP

九年级英语上册Unit6 Accidents Lesson 46 Help people ppt.ppt

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Do you know the Spring Festival? Of course, I am a Chinese. The Spring Festival is the most popular festival. In western,which is the most important festival? What do you know about Santa Claus? Long ago,there really was a Saint Nicholas: There are old stories about Saint Nicholas. The stories say he saved sailors from storms , helped young children and give gifts to the poor. Where does Santa Claus live? What animals pull Santa’s sleigh? Reindeer Children believe that Santa visits them at the night before Christmas. How does Santa get into their houses? More Santa Claus’name In Germany, he was called Sankt Nikolaus In Holland, he was called Sinter Klaas. Language points 1. He and Christmas go together. 他和圣诞节一起存在。 Go together 意思是“一起存在,伴随发生”。又如: Dirt and disease usually go together. 肮脏和疾病往往结伴而行。 2.The stories say he saved sailors from storms, helped young children and gave gifts to the poor. 故事里说他从暴风雨中救了那些水手,还帮助小孩儿并送给穷人们礼物。 【点拨】save意思是“挽救”。又如: The doctor saved his life. 医生救了他的命。 此句中the poor意为“穷人”。the + adj.(形容词)表示“某一类人(物)”。又如: The young should be polite to the old. 青年人应该尊重老年人。 Practice 1:根据汉语提示填空。 1.Do you know that man with thick _______(胡须)? 2.I don’t know how to ___________(发音) this word. 3.The children are riding in a _______ (雪橇) pulled by five big dogs. 4.The city zoo has 10 ________(鹿). 5.There is a _______________(三条腿的)table in the room. Practice 2:介词填空 1--Who lives ______ the North Pole? --Some Eskimos. 2._____ the night ______ Spring Festival, people always stay up late, some even don’t sleep. 3.The sly fox(狡猾的狐狸) got into the house _______ the chimney. 4.The girl ______ a yellow hat is Lucy. 5.My mum works _______ a doctor in a hospital. Exercise 1: You never see SantaClaus,_______ (反意疑问句) 2 My father is that man ___blue clothes A on B in C at 3 There is ___ old story about Santa. ____ old story say that he saved sailors from storms.(冠词填空) * * * * * Lesson 46 Help people White beard In red clothes Black boots Ho!Ho!Ho! I come down the


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