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大学英语四级-语法篇 王 颖 时态复习 时 态 时间状语从句当中的时态: 一般过去时 所有的过去 用 一般现在时 表示 现在和将来 现在完成时 现在完成和将来完成 非谓语动词 非谓语动词-不定式 1) 形式 主动形式 被动形式 一般式 to do to be done 完成式 to have done to have been done 进行式 to be doing 完成进行式 to have been doing a) 完成式: 不定式的一般形式所表示的动作, 通常与主要谓语表示的动作(状态)同时(或几乎同时)发生, 或是在它之后发生. 假如不定式所表示的动作, 在谓语所表示的动作(状态)之前发生, 就要用不定式的完成式. I am glad to have seen your mother (= I am glad I have seen your mother). (比较: I am glad to see you.) He is said to have written a new book about workers. He pretended not to have seen me. b) 进行式: 如果主要谓语表示的动作(状态)发生时, 不定式表示的动作正在进行, 这时要用不定式的进行式. You are not supposed to be working. You haven’t quite recovered yet. We didn’t expect you to be waiting for us here. He pretended to be listening attentively. c) 完成进行式: 在谓语所表示的时间之前一直进行的动作, 就要用不定式的完成进行式. The struggle was known to have been going for twenty years. We are happy to have been working with you. d) 被动式: 当不定式的逻辑上的主语是不定式所表示的动作的承受者时, 不定式一般要用被动形式. It is an honour for me to be asked to speak here. He wanted the letter to be typed at once. This is bound to be found out. There are a lot of things to be done. She was too young to be assigned such work. 2) 功用: 不定式可以作主语 (a), 宾语 (b), 表语 (c), 定语 (d) 或是状语 (e). a. To scold her would not be just. b. We are planning to build a reservoir here. c. One of our main tasks now is to mechanize agriculture. d. Do you have anything to declare? e. We have come to learn from you. 3) 不带to 的不定式: a) 在“动词+ 宾语+不定式”结构中, 如果动词是表示感觉意义的see, hear, watch, smell, feel, notice等, 或是表示“致使”意义的 have, make, let等, 其后的不定式结构不带to. John made her tell him everything. 这类结构转换为被动语态时, 后面的不带to 的不定式一般还原为带to 的不定式. She was made to tell him everything. b) 在 had better, had best, would rather, would sooner, would just as soon, might (just) as well, cannot but 等搭配之后, 动词不定式也不带to. I’d rather not have eggs and bacon for breakfast. They cannot but accept his term. c) 在make do, make believe, let drop, let fall, let fly, let slip, let drive, let go of, let there be, hear say, hear


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