品食冷链物流发展策略研究 冷链运输--本科毕业论文.doc

品食冷链物流发展策略研究 冷链运输--本科毕业论文.doc

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品食冷链物流发展策略研究 冷链运输--本科毕业论文

大连海事大学 毕 业 论 文 二○一三年三月 食品冷链物流发展策略研究 专业班级: 物流管理 姓 名: 余 斌 指导教师: 刘惠斌 继续教育学院 摘要 近年来,冷链物流业对于提高国民经济增长的质量和效益的作用渐趋明显,果蔬冷链物流、乳制品冷链物流、肉制品冷链物流、水产品冷链物流等细分市场保持良好发展势头,逐步走向规范化。冷链物流企业进一步壮大,市场集中度明显提高,供应链管理呈加快发展趋势,增值型业务成为新的增长点,冷链物流集聚区得到较快发展,需求增加使国内冷链物流市场竞争加剧。现阶段,我国冷链物流行业发展迎来重大机遇,促进行业整体水平的提升,完善冷链物流体系建设迫在眉睫。 本论文首先介绍食品冷链物流的概念、特点及国内外食品冷链物流发展的概况,然后针对我国食品冷链物流的现状,对我国食品冷链存在的食品冷链质量不容乐观、冷链物流的硬件设施陈旧落后,冷藏运输效率低、冷链食品供应链管理不完善的问题进行分析,然后提出了加强冷链物流的硬件设施建设、促进冷链食品供应链的可持续发展、加强冷链食品建设 保障食品安全的对策。中国冷链物流市场商机无限,市场对冷链基础设施设备的需求也在迅速扩张,未来中国冷链物流业发展前景广阔。 关键字:冷链物流;食品冷链;食品供应链 Abstract In recent years, cold chain logistics industry to improve the quality and efficiency of economic growth become more obvious role. Fruit and vegetable cold chain logistics, cold chain logistics dairy products, meat products cold chain logistics, cold chain logistics and other aquatic products market segments to maintain a good momentum of development, gradually standardized. Cold chain logistics business has expanded significantly increase market concentration, supply chain management was to speed up the development trend of value-added services to become a new growth point, cold-chain logistics gathering area developed rapidly, increasing demand for cold chain logistics market to domestic competition. This stage, the development of Chinas cold chain logistics industry usher in a major opportunity to promote the industry to enhance the overall level, improve cold-chain logistics system is urgent. This paper first introduces the food cold-chain logistics concepts, characteristics and the domestic and foreign food cold-chain logistics, then based on the development situation of the China food cold-chain logistics present situation of our country, the food cold-chain food cold-chain existence is not optimistic, cold-chain logistics quality hardware facilities and the old and backward refrigerating transportation efficiency is low, the c


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