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文化类报刊文章《中国成都,川菜改革》的翻译与评析 英语专业学生:张宁 指导教师:孙伟副教授 摘 要 本文以《纽约时报》2010年11月11日版中的《中国成都,川菜改革》这篇文章为课题,以奈达的“功能对等理论”为理论原则,以严复的“信、达、雅”原则为翻译原则,且在翻译过程中运用各种技巧和策略。该文章属于文化类语篇,通过写成都几家有名的川菜酒店来介绍川菜的特点,多用专业术语,语气略带幽默。研究者认为:在翻译过程中,译者除了能够灵活结合翻译理论和运用各种翻译技巧之外,还需要拥有比较强烈的英汉语语感和比较深厚的文化底蕴,熟悉英语和汉语的语言表达方式和方法,这样才能更好地完成文化类语篇的翻译工作。 关键词:新闻语篇;功能对等;翻译技巧 Abstract This thesis, centered around In Chengdu, China, Remaking Sichuan Food, published in The New York Times. The translator takes the theory of Functional Equivalence of Eugene A.Nida as the main theory and the Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance Principle of Yan Fu as the main principle. In the process of translation, the translator uses several translation techniques, for example, the choice of the words, the combination and separation and so on. This passage is about Sichuanese Food, kind of humorous. The researcher holds that: in the process of translation, it is required that the translator not only be able to apply the translation theories and techniques, but also be possessed with strong sense of Chinese and English and deep understanding on culture. In the meantime, the translator must be able to use Chinese and English skillfully. In this way, the translation work would be better. Key words: news reports; Functional Equivalence; translation techniques 1. 前言 本文选自《纽约时报》《纽约时报》(The New York Times)”(The Times)(The Gray Lady)。它最初的名字是《纽约每日时报》(The New-York Daily Times), 2. 原文 In Chengdu, China, Remaking Sichuan Food IN a private room in a mysterious little restaurant in Chengdu, my fellow diners goaded me to eat the turtle. It was soft-shelled, they said — as if that made it more enticing. They laughed and joked in Chinese, which I do not speak. Eating turtle grows a man’s bank account, my translator said. I didn’t get the meaning at first. Then it sunk in. I plucked bibs and bobs of turtle from between the top shell and underbelly. It was bitt


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