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英译汉 Henry Bradshaw When one speaks of Bradshaws work it is hard to make the unitiated quite understand either its extent, its importance, or its perfection. He knew more about printed books than any man living-he could tell at a glance the date and country, generally the town, at which a book was published. And the enormous range of this subject cannot be explained without a technical knowledge of the same. He was one of the foremost of Chaucer scholars, a very efficient linguist in range (though for reading, not speaking purposes), as, for instance, in the case of the old Breton language, which he evolved from notes and glosses, scribbled between the lines and on margins of Mass books-and his joy at the discovery of a word that he had suspected but never encountered was delightful to see. He could acquire a language for practical purposes with great rapidity-as, for instance, Armenian,which he began on a Thursday morning at Venice, and could read, so as to decipher titles for cataloguing, on Saturday night. He had close and unrivalled knowledge of cathedral statutes and constitutions. He was an advanced student in the origins of liturgies-especially Iris-and, indeed, in the whole of Irish literature and printing he was supreme-and, finally, he was by common consent the best palaeographist, or critic of the date of MSS., in the world. (刚百度下的PDF手打有错误请包容哈 大家也可以去百度一下这是刘士聪译的一篇文章) 汉译英 信是传递心声的鸿雁,信是连接友情的桥梁。接读朋友的来信,尤其是远自海外犹带着异国风云的航空信,确是人生一大快事,如果无须回信的话。回信,是读信之乐的一大代价。久不回信,屡不回信,接信之乐必然就相对减少,以致于无,这时,友情便暂告中断了,直到有一天在赎罪的心情下,你毅然回起信来。蹉跎了这么久,接信之乐早变成欠信之苦,我便是这么一位屡犯的罪人,交游千百,几乎每一位朋友都数得出我的前科来的。英国诗人奥登曾说,他常常搁下重要的信件不回,躲在家里看他的侦探小说。王尔德有一次对韩黎说:“我认得不少人,满怀光明的远景来到伦敦,但是几个月后就整个崩溃了,因为他们有回信的习惯。”显然王尔德认为,要过好日子,就得戒除回信的恶习。 可见怕回信的人,原不止我一个。? (这是余光中的《尺素寸心》指定教材汉英翻译教程里的段子) 老与少 老年为少年之过来人,少年为老年之候补者,老与少,只不过时间上之差别而已。然中国习惯,对老少之间,往往划有无形界限。在客观上,有时重老而轻少,有时重少而轻老。在主观上,老者自恃其老,少年自矜其少。几千年来,遂形成老者自以为持重练达,而菲薄少年为少不更事;而少年自以为新锐精进,而輘轹老者为老朽昏庸。此真所谓偏颇两失之见也! 曩梁任公在其《少年中国》一文中,对老年人与少年人曾有一适当对比。其言曰:“老年人如夕照,少年人如朝阳;老年人如瘠牛,少年人如乳虎;老年人如僧,少年


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