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论《家》中觉慧的叛逆形象 摘要 《家》描写的是“五四”运动暴发后,一代青年的觉醒和反抗,记述了在新的革命时期一个封建大家庭走向崩溃的历史。本文试着从四大部分来对《家》中觉慧的叛逆形象进行分析,来展示青年一代的觉醒成长。第一,从《家》对中国文学史上叛逆者形象的继承和发展,来概括觉慧叛逆形象的基本特点;第二,从觉慧叛逆形象的不断成熟极其叛逆表现的彻底性,表现觉慧的叛逆者形象;第三,从个人性格、家庭环境、社会环境三个方面来阐述觉慧叛逆性格养成的原因;第四,指出觉慧反抗的现实意义。 关键词:家;觉慧;叛逆形象 On the “Home” Juehui rebellious image Abstract Home is a description of the May Fourth movement after the outbreak of a generation of youth awakening and revolt, chronicles a revolution in the new feudal family history of collapse. Try this article come from the four parts of the home Juehui rebellious image analysis to demonstrate the awakening of the young generation growing. First, from the home for the image of the history of Chinese literature traitor inheritance and development, to summarize the basic characteristics of the image Rebellious; Second, the image continues to mature Rebellious extremely rebellious thoroughness performance, performance Juehui rebel image; Third, personality, family environment, social environment three aspects to elaborate the reasons rebellious personality develop; fourth, that the revolt Juehui practical significance. Keywords: Home, Juehui, Rebellious image 目录 论《家》中觉慧的叛逆形象 I 摘要 I 英文摘要 II 前言 1 一、《家》对中国文学史上叛逆者形象的继承和发展 1 二、觉慧叛逆形象的表现 1 三、觉慧叛逆性格养成的原因 5 四、觉慧反抗的现实意义 9 结语 10 参考文献 11 致 谢 12 二、觉慧叛逆形象的表现 《天津师专学校》981年12月第4期 II I I 2 1


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