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动物的进化过程论文 Animal evolution 摘要:达尔文的进化论已经创立140余年了,在其诞生之初,是作为一种假说被提出来的。除达尔文本人从对一些植物,动物形态的观察得出的推论外,并没有什么化石证据。达尔文在《物种起源》书中论及化石时,标题为“不完美的地质记录”。他承认在当时的化石研究中并未有证据显示有物种间过渡类型的存在,并指出这可能是最易于检验而又具有杀伤力的反进化论的理由。他看到了进化论的先天缺陷,并希望后人能予以验证。但是时至今日,进化论已成为一个公理;一个信仰;甚至一个宗教。不能讨论,更不能批判,只能无条件接受,否则就将招致无情的围剿,甚至被贴上“伪科学”,“反科学”的标签而断送自己的研究前程。在当今任何一本生物学杂志上,已经找不到任何质疑进化论的论文了。SCOTT和COLE在八十年代初,检索了当时的4000多种学术刊物,未发现任何一篇反进化论的论文,在68种与生物起源有关的学术期刊中,也未发现任何一篇是质疑进化论的。GEORGE W. GILCHRIST在1997年调查了世界上最大的五种期刊数据索引,也未发现反进化论或非进化论的论文。进化论者自豪地宣称,进化论对神创论已取得了决定性的胜利。似乎进化论的合理性及不言自明性又得到了一次证明。 Summary: Darwins theory of evolution has created more than 140 years, at the beginning of its birth, is to be brought up as a hypothesis. In addition to Darwin himself on some plants, animal morphology of inferences derived from outside, and there is no fossil evidence. Darwin in the origin of species and fossil in the book titled geological record of the imperfect. He admitted that at the time of research does not there is evidence that a species of fossil transitions between types exists, and points out that this is probably the easiest reason for inspection and destruction against the theory of evolution. He sees the evolution of birth defects, and hoped that future generations would be verified. But today, evolution has become an axiom; a belief even a religion. Cannot be discussed, let alone criticism, only unconditional acceptance, or encirclement of ruthless, even being labelled pseudoscience and anti-science label and ruined his research career. In any one of the biological journal, papers has not found any challenges to the theory of evolution. SCOTT and COLE in the early 80 s, retrieving more than more than 4,000 academic journals at the time, did not find any anti-evolution of the paper, 68 species of biological origin-related journals, found no one is questioning the theory of evolution. GEORGE w. GILCHRIST in 1997, five of the worlds largest periodical index, also did not find against the theory of evolution or non-evolution


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