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第 16 卷第 1 期 文章编号:1005-8907(2009)01-095-04  断 块 油 气 田 FAULT-BLOCK OIL GAS FIELD 压裂液技术研究新进展 梁文利1赵 林1辛素云2  2009 年 1 月 (1.长江大学石油工程学院,湖北 荆州 434023;2.长江大学工程技术学院 ,湖北 荆州 434020) 摘 要 压裂已经广泛应用于增产当中,压裂液的性能在作业中起到至关重要的作用,压裂液存在着破胶难,污染环 境 ,污染储层,抗温抗盐性能差的问题。 为此,在研究大量文献的基础上,回顾了压裂液技术的发展和现状,总结了适合不同 地层条件的国内外压裂液新技术,以及现阶段存在的问题,展望了未来的发展方向。 研究结果表明,目前仍是以聚合物增黏 剂为主的水基体系,并且研究出了抗高温清洁压裂液、微束聚合物压裂液、无聚合物压裂液以及新型原油基压裂液等等。 水 基压裂液残液五步处理法,在现场应用效果明显 。残渣、破胶性能、相容性、水锁伤害是储层伤害的主要原因 。压裂液将主要 朝着地层伤害小、抗温抗盐、地层适应性强、环境友好的方向发展。 关键词 水基压裂液;油基压裂液;环保问题;储层损害 中图分类号:TE357.1+2  文献标识码:A The latest development of fracturing fluids systems Liang Wenli1Zhao Lin1Xin Suyun2 (1. School of Petroleum Engineering, Yangtze University, Jingzhou 434023, China;2. School of Engineering and Technology, Yangtze University, Jingzhou 434020, China) Fracturing has been broadly used in the stimulation , the performance of fracturing fluids plays an important role in the fracture work. Fracturing fluids has a series of problems of bad breaking property, environment pollution, formation pollution,low heat and salinity tolerance .Therefore , based on the study of literature, the article forecasts the future development of fracturing fluids after reviewing its development and present situation in detail and summarizing new technology of fracturing fluids system suitable for different formation conditions both domestic and abroad and problems at present stage. The results indicate that at present, fracturing fluids are most polymer thickening agent water-base system, and high temperature tolerance and clean fracturing fluids, Micro -beam polymer fracturing fluid, no polymer fracturing fluids as well as new crude oil based fracturing fluids have been developed. Five steps treating method for the residue of water-base fracturing fluids liquid has apparent field using result. Residue, breaking property, compatibility and water lock damage are main reasons for formation pollution. The development trend of fracturing fluid


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