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Unit 1 Cultural relics Unit 1 Cultural Relics (Reading) Teaching Aims 1.知识目标: 学生能掌握文章的大意,了解琥珀屋的历史 2.技能目标: 提高学生阅读技巧以及归纳文章的能力 3.情感目标: 通过琥珀屋让学生了解到文化遗产的作用与意义,提高保护文物的意识 Important Difficult Points 1. 教学重点 学生能理清文章的线索,复述故事 2.教学难点 通过学习让学生学会挖掘文章的深层含义,认识到文化遗产的重要作用。 Step1 Lead-in Have you ever seen a piece of amber? What do you know about it? yellow- brown Amber is the fossil(化石)form of resin(树脂) from trees. It takes millions of years to form. What is amber? color rare/precious beautiful Can you imagine a room made of amber ? In Search Of The Amber Room Look at the title and the picture and predict what it is about. It tells us the amazing history of the_______ ________, a cultural relic of two countries: _________ and ________. Amber Room Germany Russia Step2 Pre-reading Reading skill: 根据标题猜测文章大意 1. Read the passage quickly and then try to catch the main idea of each part. Para. 1: the ____________ of the Amber Room. Para. 2-3: the ___________ of the Amber Room Para. 4: the_____________ of the Amber Room Para 5: the _____________ of the Amber Room introduction history missing rebuilding A Rebuilding B Introduction C Missing D History Step3 Fast Reading 2. What’s the writing style of this article? A. Pratical writing B. Argumentation C. Narration (记叙文) D. Exposition(说明文) 四要素:__________、__________、_________、__________ when C where who what The characteristics(特点) of the text 3. It tells the story in the order of _____ so that we can clearly know what happened to it. time Reading skill: 了解文体 理清文章脉络 When? Who? What happened to it ? Where? Before 1716 1716 Later 1941 Recently Frederick Ⅰ Frederick William Ⅰ Catherine Ⅱ the Nazi Army the Russians and Germans He made it for his palace. He gave it to Peter the Great as a gift. She told artists to add more details to it. They stole it. They rebuilt it. Prussia The Winter Palace in St Petersburg The Summer Palace


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