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本科毕业论文(设计) 文献综述 题 目 水稻直播技术及其发展趋势的探究 姓 名 苏 洋 学 号 2012307201211 学 院 工学院 专业班级 机械化1202 指导教师 夏俊芳 职 称 教 授 ____________ 中国·武汉 二〇一六 年 一 月 水稻直播技术及其发展趋势的探究 摘要:我国作为世界水稻种植栽培的发源地之一,水稻栽培的历史已有7000多年,水稻是我国主要的粮食作物之一,为了进一步实现水稻的优产、高产,在水稻生产过程环境的保护,直播技术的发展愈来愈重要。水稻机械化直播,与人工移栽、机插秧、机抛秧相比,具有省工、降本、增产、增效等明显优势,水稻机械化直播推动水稻生产向集约化、商品化、专业化的方向发展,但是必须采取农机与农艺紧密结合的成套技术措施。本文介绍了国内外水稻直播技术的现状,并指出了我国目前有待解决的问题,并对未来直播技术的发展趋势提出自己的意见。 关键词: 水稻栽培 直播技术 发展趋势 Research on direct seeding machine and its development trend Abstract : As one of the world rice cultivation birthplace, rice cultivation in our country has 7000 years of history, rice is one of the main food crops in China, in order to realize the advantages of rice production, high yield, in rice production process of environmental protection, water live development trend is becoming more and more important. Water Direct Seeding Mechanization of rice, compared with manual transplanting, mechanical transplanting, seedling throwing machine, with labor saving, the obvious advantage of this, and increase yield and efficiency drop, the mechanization of rice water live rice production to promote to the set of reduced, commercialization, professional direction of development. But a complete set of technical measures must be taken to combine the close combination of agricultural machinery and Agronomic. This paper introduces the present situation of rice water direct seeding machine at home and abroad, and points out the problems that need to be solved in our country at present, and puts forward some suggestions on the future development trend of the technology. Key Words:Rice cropping,Direct seeding machine,Development trend 前言: 水稻是我国三大主要粮食作物之一,2010年统计我国水稻种植面积约0.3亿hm2(4.48亿亩),占粮食作物的播种面积的近1/3,总产量将近2亿T,占粮食总产的40%左右,全国近65%的人口以稻米为主食。水稻生产的发展,对解决世界人口最多的大国粮食自给问题和改善城乡居民生活起到十分重要的作用。(许恩龙,夏孝勤等,2013)加快发展水稻生产的劳动强度,减低生产成本,增加产量和收益,是提高水稻综合生产能力,保障


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