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八年级英语下册英语月考试题(2014年新版新目标) 姓名 ___________ 分数___________         一 听力部分(30分) (一)把你听到的建议代号写在横线上,对话读两遍。(5分) A. Go to a doctor. B. Drink more water. C. Go to the hospital and get an X-ray. D. See a dentist. E. Take your temperature. 1.------------ 2. ----------- 3.---------- 4.------------ 5. ----------------- (二)听对话和问题,选择符合每个问题的正确答案,每段对话和问题读两遍。(10分) ( )6. A. Football. B. Table tennis. C. Basketball. ( )7. A. Cakes. B. Fish. C. Vegetables. ( )8. A. Cook. B. Teacher. C. Doctor. ( )9. A. goldfish. B. elephant. C. tigers. ( )10. A. No photos. B. No smoking. C. No parking. (三)听对话,根据对话内容选择每个问题的最佳答案,对话和问题读两遍。(10分) ( )11. What’s wrong with the young man? A. He has a cold. B. He has a fever. C. He has a headache. ( )12. What has he been doing these days? A. Playing computer games. B. Sleeping all day. C. Dreaming all night. ( )13. What does the doctor suggest(建议)? A. Keeping warm. B. Having a warm bath. C. Drinking more water. ( )14. How should he take the medicine? A. Half an hour a day. B. Three times a day. C. Once a day. ( )15. What should he not do? A. Relax a little. B. Take more pills once. C. Go to bed early. (四)听一段电话留言,根据其内容完成下面信息卡,每空一词,电话留言读两遍。(5分) Telephone Message From Tony to Ann at around 9:00 a.m. Message: Tony has got two tickets to a 16 . It begins at 17 p.m. He will wait at the 18 at 3:00 p.m. And he says it may 19 , and Ann had better take her 20 with her. 16.------- 17.-------- 18.-------- 19.--------- 20.--------- 笔试部分(120分) I、汉翻英。(20分) 发烧________________,胃痛_________________________ 喉咙痛____________________,躺下休息____________________ 量体温_________________,没有做某事____________________ 呼救___________________,一个8岁的司机________________ 希望某人做某事____________,令某人惊奇的是______________ 考虑自己________________,陷入麻烦中____________________ 流鼻血________________,呼吸困难________________________ 习惯做某事_____________过去常常做某事__________________ 因为,由于+短语_________做决定__________________________ 控制_


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