开封刘家胡同民俗保护区东侧文化馆建筑方案设计 毕业论文.doc

开封刘家胡同民俗保护区东侧文化馆建筑方案设计 毕业论文.doc

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摘 要 本文从一个文化建筑的角度出发,去探索一个更加文化性,体验性,探索性、适合当地地域文化城市肌理的文化馆建筑,不同于以往该类建筑忽略地域特色的千篇一律的现状。将建筑融入人们的生活,适合人们的需求,创造开放性的建筑空间,促进人与人的交流。本文先阐述了研究的背景和动机,目的和意义,研究了文化馆存在的现状,指出文化馆在以后如何体现文化性,在场地个性,营造氛围,建筑的表达上在空间内部,外部,细节上如何表现建筑的属性,文化特性。然后通过对国内外文化馆建筑的案例进行分析,研究一种如何适合地域的文化馆,从建筑本身来讲,建造怎样的建筑形式,材料,形式,功能的组合,提出需要考虑的方面和设计内容,以及在设计中的特点和突破口,其中包括文化馆建筑的规划设计方法,内外部空间设计,延续周边环境肌理等。结合地域特色,创造激活旧城活力,鼓励文化与休闲 Abstract This article from the perspective of a cultural center building, to explore a more culture, experience, exploratory, suitable for the local cultural center building of urban skin texture, regional culture is different from the past the class building ignore the local characteristics of the present situation of the same. The building into the life of people, suitable for the demand of people, creating open architectural space, promote interpersonal communication. This article first elaborated the research background and motivation, purpose and significance, studies the cultural center of the current situation, pointed out that cultural center in the future how to reflect culture, in individual character of the field, producing atmosphere, building on the expression of the space inside, outside, details on how to represent the properties of building cultural features. And then through the analysis of cases of domestic and international cultural center building, studies how it fits into a regional cultural center, will tell from the building itself, how to build the architectural form, material, form, the combination of function, put forward to consider and design content, as well as the characteristic and breakthrough in the design, including the cultural center building planning and design method of internal and external space design, continuation of the surrounding environment texture, etc. Combined with local characteristics, create activation of the old city vitality, encourage cultural and leisure, provide exhibition, performance, and education facilities, to provide the e


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