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本 科 毕 业 设 计 题 目 低温截止阀的设计 学 院 工业制造学院 专 业 机械设计制造及其自动化 学生姓名 学 号 年级 11 指导教师 职称 讲师 2015年3月28日 低温截止阀的设计 专业:机械设计制造及其自动化 学号: 姓名: 指导老师:高蕾娜 摘要:本课题来源于当今社会液压元件的创新和更新换代基础之上,通过设计出低温截止阀,从而来满足当今社会液压元件更新换代能力不足的缺陷。 低温截止阀是能够在低温工况下使用的截止阀,通常把工作温度低于-40℃的截止阀称为低温截止阀。低温截止阀是石油化工、空气分离、天然气等工业不可缺少的重要设备之一,其质量的优劣决定着能否安全、经济、持续地生产。随着现代科技的发展,低温截止阀的用途越来越广,需求也越来越大。 本文运用大学所学的知识,了解低温截止阀的工作原理,在此基础上,设计一款低温截止阀。该低温截止阀的工作介质为12MPa的液压油,它是用来改变管路断面和介质流动方向、控制输送介质的压力、流量、温度的一种装置。通过查找相关料,了解低温截止阀的内部结构和工作原理,构建了低温截止阀组成结构的总的指导思想,从而得出了该低温截止阀的优点是高效,经济,并且截止效果好,运行平稳的结论。 关键词:低温截止阀;液压元件;截止阀;装置 The Design of The Cryogenic Valve Specialty: Mechanical design and manufacturing Student Number: Student: Supervisor: Gao Lei Na Abstract: This subject comes from the modern society the hydraulic components of the innovation and upgrading of the basis, through the design of cryogenic valves, thus to meet the needs of todays society. Low temperature valve is to be used at low temperature condition of the valve, usually working temperature lower than valve called the cryogenic valves. Low temperature valve is one of the important equipment in petrochemical industry, air separation, natural gas and other industrial indispensable, its quality determines whether the security, economic and sustainable production. With the development of modern technology, low temperature valve applications more and more widely, the demand ismoreandmorebig. In this paper, the use of university knowledge, understand the working principle of cryogenic valves, on this basis, the design of a low temperature valve. The working fluid temperature stop valve for hydraulic oil 12MPa, which is a device for changing the flow direction of medium conveying pipeline section, and the control of media pressure, flow, t


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