algorithmsforinvertingradiooccultationsignalsinthe( algorithmsforinvertingradiooccultationsignalsinthe).doc

algorithmsforinvertingradiooccultationsignalsinthe( algorithmsforinvertingradiooccultationsignalsinthe).doc

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algorithmsforinvertingradiooccultationsignalsinthe( algorithmsforinvertingradiooccultationsignalsinthe)

Algorithms for inverting radio occultation signals in the neutral atmosphere This document describes briefly the algorithms, gives references to the papers with more detailed descriptions and to the subroutines used in the Fortran-77 code roam which inverts radio occultation (RO) signals acquired by closed loop tracking. All inversion algorithms are based on the assumption of local spherical symmetry of refractivity in sufficiently large region (several hundred kilometers radius) around the occultation (ray tangent) point. Input data: time (specified with constant increment), positions and velocities of the satellites (GPS and LEO) in inertial Cartesian reference frame, L1 and L2 excess phases and amplitudes. Output data: L1, L2 and ionosphere free bending angles, impact parameter, neutral atmospheric refractivity and dry pressure and temperature, height over MSL, latitude and longitude of the estimated ray tangent point (in the Earth fixed reference frame) and azimuth of the occultation plane. Inversion of radio occultation signals in the neutral atmosphere consists of the following steps. 1) Filtering (smoothing) of L1 and L2 excess phases and calculation of excess Doppler frequency shifts. 2) Truncation of RO signals based on Doppler climatology test. 3) Calculation of L1 bending angle from Doppler (geometric optics). 4) Estimation of the occultation (ray tangent) point and azimuth of the occultation plane. 5) Transfer of the reference frame to the local center of sphericity estimated under the occultation point. 6) Calculation of L1 and L2 bending angles from Doppler frequency shift (geometric optics). 7) Calculation of L1 bending angle by radio holographic methods from raw complex signal. 8) Combining (sewing) (6) and (7) L1 bending angles. 9) Ionosphere calibration of the bending angle. 10) Optimal estimation of the bending angle by use of climatology. 11) Retrieval of refractivity (Abel inversion). 12) Retrieval of dry pressu



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