
英文求职信-应聘设计主管工程师 .doc

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英文求职信:应聘设计主管工程师 Dear Ms. Dixon:   I am interested in a postition as a project engineer with Lexitron,Inc. Review of my resume will reveal that Ihave strong project experience with Johnnan Corporation,one of your key competitors.   I graduated with a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from princeton University,and have 6 years of paper machine project experience. Ienjoy an excellent reputation for bringing projects in on time and at or below budget.Some key project experience includes:   -Completion of a $54 million twin wire,forming section rebuild project on time and under budget ($1,2 million savings)   -Lead wet end project Engineer for purchase,design and installation of a new $150 million Beloit paper machine($120k savings)   -Engineered,installed,and started-up $45 million rebuild of after dryer section of twin wire tissue machine(project completed 2 months ahead of schedule with savings of $1/2 million)   Although well-versed in most machine configurations,i am especially knowledgeable of twin wire formers and some of the newer,state-of-the-art sheet forming technology.These qualifications could prove very additive to those companies interested in upgrading their overall papermaking technology.   If you are currently seeking a strong paper machine project engineer,I would appreciate the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications with you. Thank you for your consideration. 篇二: 部门及员工绩效考评制度 部门及员工绩效考评管理制度 为规范公司对部门和员工的绩效考评制定本制度。 1.目的 通过对部门和员工日常工作和行为规范的考核、考评,建立公司绩效考评管理系统,促进个人工作素养和整体工作效率的不断提高,防止和纠正部门和员工渎职、失职、违纪、违规行为,保证公司绩效目标管理的达成。 2.适用范围 适用于公司内部对部门和员工的各级考评、各类行为规范的考核的管理。 3.职责和权限 3.1总经理或其授权人或公司主管领导对总经理办公室和人力资源部有考评权和考核权,负责对各类考评、考核结果的最终认定。 3.2公司成立由总经理或其授权人、主管领导、总经理办公室和人力资源部等职能部门组成的考核小组,考核小组对各部门有考评权和考核权。 3.3各部门和生产单位负责人对本单位的员工进行管理,行使考评权和考核权。 3.3人力资源部负责归口公司考评和考核结果,并将结果与绩效工资挂钩。 3.4员工和部门对同级和上级单位有考评和考核的建议权。 4.绩效考评管理程序和考核管理办法及考核实施细则 4.1绩效考评、考核管理程序 4.1.1员工每月26日向部门负责人汇报或提交工作总结,作为月度考核的依据。 4.1.2部门负责人根据员工的工作总结、工作表现和工作目标完成情况,填写《绩效考核表》(员


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