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基于码本波束成形和有线反馈的安全容量研究 作者:季峰 指导老师:彭张节 摘要:通过对敏感数据的传输波束成形链接和被动窃听,我们研究了码本的保密性能我们特有的通信链路中断概率被窃听了。所以我们认为一个有限的反馈的情况的发射机所使用预定义的码本被称为用于波束形成的发射器和接收器,在分析保密中断概率的链路时被窃听了,我们的分析还提供保密中断概率在预定的的方向的波束形成发送接收器。我们描述如何保密中断概率来提高作为发射天线数的增加。我们进一步的分析了密增强码书设计的影响,并提供在保密中断概率的界限上的码本波束形成。 关键词:MIMO,通道窃听,窃听,传输波束赋形,码书,信息论安全,保密率,保密中断概率。 On Secrecy of Codebook-Based Transmission Beamforming under Receiver Limited Feedback Author: Feng Ji Director:Zhang-jie Peng Abstract:This article studies the problem of distributed interference avoidance (IA) through channel selection for distributed wireless networks, where mutual interference only occurs among nearby users. First, an interference graph is used to characterise the limited range of interference, and then the distributed IA problem is formulated as a graph colouring problem. Because solving the graph colouring problem is non-deterministic polynomial hard even in a centralised manner, the task of obtaining the optimal channel selection profile distributively is challenging. We formulate this problem as a channel selection game, which is proved to be an exact potential game with the weighted aggregate interference serving as the potential function. On the basis of this, a distributed learning algorithm is proposed to achieve the optimal channel selection profile that constitutes an optimal Nash equilibrium point of the channel selection game. The proposed learning algorithm is fully distributed because it needs information about neither the network topology nor the actions and the experienced interference of others. Simulation results show that the proposed potential game theoretic IA algorithm outperforms the existing algorithm because it minimises the aggregate weighted interference and achieves higher network rate. Keywords:IA,potential game,channel selection,NE 1.引言 由于无线传输的开放性,它是脆弱的并有着潜在的安全威胁,如被动窃听和主动干扰。特别要注意的是,由于没有先验知识的位置,甚至存在被动窃听,发射机只能依靠与接收者互动减少敏感数据的损失(或保密)。另一方面,时间变化和无线信道的空间相关特性让任何人都难以预测在无线链路上的信道响应。例如,即使打算在接收器和窃听者之间的空间分离几个波长,信道从源头到预定的接收


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