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选人:招聘与选拔 于国庆 《人力资源管理》 * * * 人力资源管理 选人:招聘与选拔 * * 主要内容 案例讨论:波特曼酒店 招聘 选拔 * * 招聘 工作分析 组织:战略/文化 部门:流程/团队 岗位:技能/责任 素质模型 胜任特征 关键行为 高效/低效表现 合适人选 * * Hypothetical Markov Analysis for a Retail Company Figure 4.5 * * An Executive Replacement Chart Figure 4.6 * * Figure 3.1 The Process of Job Analysis * * Key Elements of a Job Description Job Title Indicates job duties and organizational level Job Identification Distinguishes job from all other jobs Essential Functions (Job Duties) Indicate responsibilities entailed and results to be accomplished Job Specifications Skills required to perform the job and physical demands of the job * * Job Characteristics Model Job Characteristics Skill variety Task identity Task significance Autonomy Feedback Psychological States Meaningfulness of the work performed Responsibility for work outcomes Knowledge of the results of the work performed. Job Outcomes Improved work performance Increased Internal motivation Lower absenteeism and turnover Presentation Slide 3–5 * * Flexible Work Schedules Compressed Workweek Flextime Job Sharing Telecommuting * * Keys for Successful Telecommuting Identify jobs best suited to distance work. Select responsible employees. Establish employee feedback procedures and performance review methods for evaluation. Establish formalized telecommuting procedures. Begin a formal training program. Keep telecommuters informed and “in the loop.” Recognize when telecommuting isn’t working. Figure 3.7 Source: Adapted from “What Is the Future of Telework?” HRFocus 78, no. 3 (March 2001): 5–6. * * * * 招聘过程 填写申请表 人力资源部门初次面试 录用笔试 背景调查 人力资源部门初选 工厂或团队面试 健康检查/毒品试验 录用决策 资料来源:(美)亚瑟·W·小舍曼, 乔治·W·勃兰德,斯科特·A·斯耐尔著. 张文贤主译. 人力资源管理(第十一版). 大连:东北财经大学出版社,2001 P132 * * 内外招聘比较 * * 在华跨国公司常用招聘渠道 (摘自“中国青年职业前景与跨国公司在华战略调查”) 序号 招聘渠道 比例 1 媒体广告 83.3% 2 网络招聘 80.0% 3 内部招聘 76.7% 4 员工引荐 73.3% 5 猎头公司 70.0% 6 校园招聘 63.3% 7 人才中介机构 53.3% 8 参加招聘会 46.7% 9 从竞争对手处挖人 3.3% * * 员工推荐 MasterCard的做法:员工推荐,快速兑现奖励 钟点工1000美元;专业人士3000美元 1995年10



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