
毕业设计论文-高频开关稳压电源电路的设计 .doc

毕业设计论文-高频开关稳压电源电路的设计 .doc

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###本科毕业论文(设计) 题 目 稳压源设计 学 生 ### 指导教师 ### 年 级 ### 专 业 电气工程及其自动化 二级学院 机电学院 ###机电学院 ###年 ###月 郑重声明 本人的毕业论文(设计)是在指导教师 ###老师的指导下独立撰写完成的。如有剽窃、抄袭、造假等违反学术道德、学术规范和侵权的行为,本人愿意承担由此产生的各种后果,直至法律责任,并愿意通过网络接受公众的监督。特此郑重声明。 毕业论文(设计)作者(签名): 年 月 日 稳压源设计 摘 要 稳压电源具有功率传输和电能转换的功能。在科学技术不断地发展过程,各行各业都得到了快速地发展,对电源的需求也越来越大,同时对电源产业提出了严厉的要求,比如节约资源、减小体积和重量,更加环保,更加有安全性和可靠性等。新型的开关电源与传统的线性电源进行比较,我们可以知道新型电源有先进的技术,消耗能源少,使用起来更方便等特点,并且还受到了各行各业的欢迎。 本文不仅描述了开关电源的工作方式、优点和缺点、规划方法及将来发展方向等,还重点对开关稳压电源进行了设计。开关电源的设计由辅佐电源模块、PWM管制模块、升压电路局部等构成,而对于PWM控制电路而言,它更是开关电源设计的关键。首先我们要确定电路设计方案,然后运用Multisim 12对开关电源的电路进行仿真试验,并且把已知参数和实验参数进行对比,使实验参数接近已知参数从而能够使输出电压趋于稳固。 关键词:开关电源 稳压 脉宽调制 功率 Voltage source design Zheng Yueqiao Directed by lecture Hao Meilan Abstract Power has power conversion and power transmission functions.In science and technology constantly evolving process,all walks of life have been rapid development, the demand for power is growing,while the power industry made stringent requirements,such as resource conservation,reduced size and weight,more environmentally friendly ,more security and reliability.The new switching power supply with traditional linear power supply comparison,we can see that the new power supply with advanced technology,consume less energy,use more convenient, and also was welcomed by all walks of life. This article not only describes the mode switch power supply,advantages and disadvantages,planning methods and the future development direction,also focused on switching power supply is designed.Switching power supply module designed by his assistant,PWM control module,a local booster circuit and the like,and for the PWM control circuit is concerned,it is the key to switching power supply design.Lets make sure the circuit design,and the use of Multisim 12 of the switching power supply circuit simulation,and the known parameters and laboratory parameters were



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