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Abstract As Chinese primary industry, clothing manufacturing had been the driving force for the development of GDP in past years. But they couldn’t resist the impact of financial crisis. With a substantial reduction in foreign orders, clothing manufacturing in Humen is confronted with an unprecedented predicament. As foreign orders are hard to get, it’s high time for clothing manufacturing in Humen to considering transform their economic development pattern in order to resist the financial crisis. With the coming of E-commerce age, manufacturing enterprises are being a part of E-commerce group so as to satisfy the requirement of changing demands. In the present excellent situation, clothing manufacturing in Humen is facing a problem: how to solve the current situation that enterprises over-dependent on foreign orders and how to sell their products in domestic market? by using SWOTAnalysis on clothing manufacturing in Humen under the E-commerce age, provide advice for Humen developing its E-commerce at the present stage。Based on the background of impact of financial crisis, this paper take clothing manufacturing in Humen as an example, provide valid data and explain with diagram and word, combine traditional patterns with E-commerce age pattern for comparative analysis, provide readers the results of development of clothing manufacturing in Humen. Key Words:financial crisis,foreign orders, E-commerce,changing demands,development 引 言 ——2008年虎门“关门秀”带来传统服装制造业的影响 作为我国市场化改革过程中发展最快、市场程度最高的行业之一,中国纺织以“价廉物美”走向国际市场,产业整体利润率极低,借着利润率极低的销售吸引国外市场的订单。受成本上升和国际金融危机的冲击等一系列不利因素影响,2008年,两者的毛利率进一步跌到了1%、3%。人们普遍认为中国企业,代工(贴牌生产)之路已走到尽头,迫切需要转型。 这场突如其来的“关门秀”给传统服装制造业敲响了警钟,作为虎门经济的支柱,传统制造业的转型是过好这个冬的得要手段。随着电子商务时代的到来,虎门服装制造业如何以最快速度去响应市场的需求,以此来满足不断变化的多样化需求。在这样的形式下,中小服装制造业如何高效低成本地解决国外订单减少所带来的损失。本文以虎门服装制造业为例,提供有效数据及图文分析,论证虎门服装制造业的电子商务应用。 一、虎门服装制造业现状 虎门服装业经过2008年金融危机所带来“倒闭门”的事件,以及世界各国为了自身利益采取反倾销手段对我国纺织品出口进行限制。位居衣食住行首位的服装制造业,既是传统产业,更是与时俱进的永久产业数据显示:2005年初,我国纺织品服装的内销占71.89%,至2007年7月已经达到75.24%从零售额、重点零


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