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中文摘要 格式条款的出现,一方面提高了效率,节约了交易成本,便于企业进行管理;另一方面也给传统的契约自由理论带来巨大的冲击。在我国现阶段大力构建社会主义和谐社会的进程中,如果我们不能正确认识其价值,完善立法,对其进行规范,就会对和谐社会的公平正义、安定有序等造成损害,阻碍和谐社会的构建。 本文通过论述了格式条款规制的必要性、我国格式条款规制的现状,并借鉴发达国家的成功经验,提出了我国完善格式条款规制方式的拙见。包括进一步加强格式条款的立法规制、强化格式条款案件的审理水平、改进格式条款的行政规制方式以及建立广泛的社会监督体系。 关键字:格式条款;契约自由;规制 Abstract Form clauses, on the one hand increase efficiency and save transaction costs, facilitate enterprise management. On the other hard, give tremendous impact on the traditional theory of freedom contract. In China, now we are trying our best to build a harmonious society, if we can’t understand the value of the form clauses correctly, and make the legislative regulation improvement, it will bring some damage to the fair, justice and secure and order of harmonious society. This article puts forward some suggestions to perfect the form clauses from defining the form clause, giving, the rights to appeal to the industrial associations, strengthening the prior examination to the form clauses, reducing the use of the litigation costs. In the article’s first part,it discussed the necessary of regulations of the standard clauses. According to pass the successful experience that analyzes and draws lessons from the flourishing nation to our country present condition of the standard clauses,the writer put forward the own opinion on how to consummate the regulations in our counter’s standard clauses in the future.Including further the legislation system of strengthen the standard clauses,improve the judicial control of the standard clauses,enhance the administrative regulation of the standard clauses and build up extensive society supervision system. Key words:the form clause;The freedom of contract;regulation 试论格式条款的规制 由于垄断经营的形成和合同双方对自身利益最大化的追求,传统的一对一谈判缔约模式在很多领域已经不能适应现代社会交易的需要。因此,为了适应现代化社会的大量交易活动,产生了格式条款。 格式条款的出现,减少了谈判磋商的过程,降低了交易成本,加速了交易进程,提高了经济效率。但同时,在实际使用中,我们可以看到格式条款的使用人常常在条款中拟定一些有利于自身而不利于相对人的条款,对合同的权利义务作不合理的分配,损害了对方当事人的利益。这种弊端的产生是使用人滥用法律赋予的契约自由权利,钻了法律空子,从而损害了当



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