2007年湖北卷语文试卷 湖北高考完成句子2007-2014考情分析.doc

2007年湖北卷语文试卷 湖北高考完成句子2007-2014考情分析.doc

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2007年湖北卷语文试卷 湖北高考完成句子2007-2014考情分析 导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“湖北高考完成句子2007-2014考情分析”资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对92的支持! 2007 1with the door shut with复合结构 :with +宾语+宾补2(of) what hes talking about 一是宾语从句,并要注意宾语从句是陈述句二是现在进行时 三是与talk连用的介词。that he has failed (for)3 several times1现在完成时2同位语从句 2008 The three longest rivers形容词最高级have they played倒装句 现在完成时 in which /where I grew up定语从句动词短语 2009Owing to现在分词作状语动词搭配 to turn it off不定式作宾语 动词搭配、代词前指 found it / found (that) it was复合宾语结构/宾语从句 时态、it的用法Winning a scholarship 4had arrived for himIt cost me 一是时态 二是和arrive 连用的介词一般过去式动词句式 动名词作主语have changed现在完成时 no greater reward/ no reward greater比较状语从句 Whatever one has planned/ Whatever has been planned主语从句现在完成时 when (it is) applied(时间状语从句)过去分词作状语被动语态、代词前指it (should) land同位语从句虚拟语气 which (the) teachers attach/ have attached1非限定性定语从句 2动词搭配、现在完成时 5should /ought to / must be allowed to learn / hadn’t forced me1.allow sb. to do sh.的句式结构 wish 引导的虚拟语气后动词的时态 2.被动 6memory for names have a good / bad memory for ...7Whether he has been abroad or not have/get your car washed 非谓语动词 考察使役动词 have sth. done 的用法what my hometown will be/look like 1.现在完成时 考察what?引导的宾语从句 2.have gone abroad与have been abroad 一般将来时主动 3.whether ... or not引出的主语从句 8about three times as great as that of last yeathat determine倍数的表达方式9will help be given to倒装句 10may / might / could have had a hand高二下册原句1.“情态动词+现在完成时”表示对过去事实推测的用法 2.have a hand in ... 强调句主谓一致have stayed up情态动词动词短语 are being transported现在进行时的被动语态主谓一致 2010 can we solve/will we be able to solve倒装句 Painted/Having been painted 过去分词作状语 Not being able to use/Being unable use/Not knowing how to use 1现在分词作状语 2分词的否定形式2011did she find倒装句一般过去式There is /will be no need to固定句型一般将来时frozen face过去分词充当定语 Holding the keys in the/his hand,With the keys held in the/his hand , The keys held in the /his handthat house prices will fall 同位语从句 一般将来时主动 nothing to worry about/no more worries非谓语动词/比较等级 (should) be discussed 虚拟语气 被动语态、宾语从句 (that) I had done 定语从句 过去完成时 had not been proved 被动语态 过去完成时 cant/couldn’t have


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