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ABSTRACT The new criminal law of China in Article 20 should be held criminally responsible excessive defence acts, but the new criminal law does not make defined to significantly more than the necessary minimum and sign ficant harm, resulting in the judicially practice belong to mea sure whether one had to defend when the deviation. In addition excessive defence Penal Code of the object and subjective aspects of existence must have the deactis of other countries regarding the provisions of excessive defence analysis and learn from our country the Criminal Code should be maximum to replace the necessary level of expression at characterization of sinificant harm must be combined with the suppression of unlawful acts against the effectiveness and the degree of analysis to make judgments, should be weakened at the object of criminal protection againstthe people, to permit on subjective well in case of emergency did not expect the defense the consequences of orientation, in the main should be provided for mental patients intermittently sane at the time of the criminal liaility excessive defence, full 14 years of dissatifaction with 16 years of age is not criminally responsible excessive defence. Research excesive defence be able to practice the administration of justice provide a theoretical basis, and improve citizens who make the struggle against illegal enthusiasm, there is conducive to maintaining social order. Key Words:unlawful attack;legal interest;necessary minimum;great damage;excessive defence 浅析防卫过当 在现实生活中,有些行为在形式上符合某罪的犯罪构成实质社会危害性防卫过当的客体是不法侵害人的人身权利,即不法侵害人依法受刑法保护的。在这里不法侵害人具有双重身份,即是防卫对象,又是犯罪对象,我国法律支持对不法侵害人的某些权益造成必要的损害的正当防卫行为但是,同时不法侵害人还有他合法权益,而这部分合法权益是受法律保护的,防卫过当行为损害了不法侵害人除了刑法允许可以反击,可以损害的部分以外依法受保护的不允许损害的部分权益防卫过当是一种轻微的犯罪行为,它的本质应当是较轻的社会危害性。从防卫过当的整个过程来看,防卫人虽然出于制止正在进行的不法侵害,但是有一定的罪过心理,在主观上对自己反击和制止不法侵害的行为和结果持放任态度或疏忽大意、过于自信的态度,客观上防卫人的行为明显超过了制止不法侵害所必须的限度损害了不法侵害人被刑法所保护的部分利益,防卫行为也就由最初的正当防卫转化为犯罪行为才能达到排除和制止社会危害性的目的,如行使不当,就转化成了防卫过当,形成犯罪。对于防卫过当如何界定,从立法上看通常就是关于正当防卫的必要限


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