2016用英文说网络用语 网络用语的英文翻译.doc

2016用英文说网络用语 网络用语的英文翻译.doc

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2016用英文说网络用语 网络用语的英文翻译 网络用语的翻译 1.蛮拼的 Push the envelope 2.保证不打死你 I give my word to spare your life. (I promise you won’t get killed.) Seemingly an as… 环境经营学 富士康的环境经营模式研究 ——富士康环境经营战略的实施 姓名 班级 学号 联系电话 工商11 富士康环境经营战略的实施 (辽宁科技大学工商管理学院 辽宁鞍山 114051) 【摘要】:富士康出自台湾,植根于内地,他的发展始终保持“深耕中国… 篇一:母亲的笑阅读答案 1、因为母亲的笑是对希望的诠释,母亲的安慰使得我们有了希望,在我们愤怒或不安时,母亲用她的微笑再次鼓舞着我们2、母亲的笑像在烈日里递上的一杯清凉饮料,在我们饱受暴怒之时,给我们带来一剂清凉.篇二:母亲的笑阅读答案 篇三:母亲的… 网络用语的翻译 1.蛮拼的 Push the envelope 2.保证不打死你 I give my word to spare your life. (I promise you won’t get killed.) Seemingly an assurance of a positive outcome, the phrase means there are dire consequences ahead. It also comes from the second season of Where are We Going, Dad? where Francis Ng said to his son “Babe come here, I give my word I won?t beat you to death”. Such a contradictory connotation immediately went viral online when Internet users try to vent their so-called anger to others by indicating a quasi-deadly consequence, mostly for fun. 2. 也是醉了。。。I am speechless. 3. 给跪了Give me a break! 4. 那么,问题来了。(挖掘技术哪家强?中国山东找蓝翔!) Here’s the question. 5. 有钱就是这么任性!Rich and bitch. 6. 我读书少,表骗我Don’t take advantage of my illiteracy. 1 take advantage of:利用 7. 整个人都不好了I have goose flesh. I am not quite myself for the moment. 8. 也是蛮拼的Give it one’s best shot. Pretty strenuous 9. 这画面太美我不敢看I can’t afford to take a look at it. That’s such a beautiful scene that I dare not have my eyes fixed on it. 10. 安静地做个美男子.Let me be a quiet and handsome boy. 11.此刻我的内心几乎是崩溃的。 My heart is almost collapsed at the moment. 12.然而并没有什么卵用。 But it is of no damn use. 13.丑的人都睡了,帅的人还醒着. The ugly are asleep, while the handsome are awake. 12.、世界那么大,我想去看看。 The world is so big, yet I owe it a visit. 13.、你们城里人真会玩。 You urban folks are really born to mock! 14.、你是猪吗? Are you a pig or something? 15、我们去旅行吧,我带着你,你带着钱,你一定要带着钱啊! Let’s go on a trip,you follow me and you take money.Most importantly,you definitely should take your money. 16.且行且珍惜 It is to be cherished. 2 17. 挖掘机技术哪家强?(Which e


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