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Abstract With the divorce rate in recent years, the upward trend of the country, with the attendant exposure to increasingly intense contradictions. The establishment of a divorce damages the system is to strengthen the socialist legal system, improve the legal system of Chinas divorce, the needs of the new situation, the protection of non-fault divorce, the legal rights of the parties is a necessary requirement to perform his marital obligations and the achievement of an important guarantee for freedom of divorce, and for the divorce process to protect the innocent party compensation claims provide a legal basis. But our system of divorce damages the marriage law was amended in 2001, identified, a late start, the relevant provisions of the CPF is a very mature sound. Articles by this system of analysis, that there are some deficiencies in this system, mainly as follows: the subject of divorce damages the narrow range; Divorce Damage scope was too narrow; innocent party hard evidence. Compared with the foreign system, and together with the reality, it should be perfect from the following aspects: to appropriately expand the scope of the subject of Divorce Damages; Divorce Damage to expand the scope of application; appropriate to reduce the standard of proof, the innocent party to reduce the burden of proof responsibility. Key words: divorce damages; compensation for the main body; scope of application; burden of proof 试论我国的离婚损害赔偿制度 离婚损害赔偿制度是2001年《婚姻法》修正案中确立的一项新制度。几年来,学者们对该制度进行了深入细致的评析和阐述,取得了丰硕的成果。总结国内外学者对该制度的研究,多数学者认为离婚损害赔偿制度在我国的建立有其重大的立法价值,不仅完善了我国婚姻法的立法体例,而且赋予了当事人寻求救济的法律依据。是我国婚姻家庭立法史上的重大突破,适应了新形势下调整婚姻关系新情况的需要。作为一项新确立的法律制度,离婚损害赔偿制度仍存在一些立法缺陷和难以操作的问题。 一、完善我国离婚损害赔偿制度我国离婚案件呈上升趋势(包括通奸、婚外与他人同居、重婚等)导致离婚的居多,此外,家庭暴力也是导致离婚的另一重要原因并已成为一个不容忽视的社会问题。许多无过错离婚当事人(大多数是妇女)因过错配偶(大多数是在财产或权力上占优势的男士)的上述侵害婚姻关系的违法行为,身心受到严重推残,物质和精神方面都遭受了不同程度的损害,如果不能得到法律的救济,无异于漠视公民的合法权益。在《婚姻法》修改前,由于没有离婚损害赔偿制度,对于离婚过错方对无过错方造成的损害,离婚时法院因无法可依,难以责令过错方承担损害赔偿责任,这无疑放纵了离婚过错方的违法行为,不利于保护无过错方的合法权益。因此在2001


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