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娱乐报刊 报刊作业

娱乐报刊 报刊作业 导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“报刊作业”资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对92的支持! 英文报刊导读作业 3.3 The news brief A New Brief, also called a News Summary, is the shortest form of news reporting covering the latest event at home or abroad. A News Brief is usually 100-to-200-word long and something like the lead of a news report except that it is a little longer and more detailed. The main purpose of a news brief is to tell the reader the consequence of an event. A News Brief sometimes has a title but in most cases it doesn?t. The most important thing in reading a news brief is to find out “who does what to whom, why”. Let?s study the features of news brief by looking at the following two briefs. e.g. NATO Exercise Brussels---The North Atlantic treaty organization launches a two-week exercise today aimed at testing for the first time on a large scale its ability to react to simultaneous crises in northern and southern Europe. The exercise, dubbed Strong Resolve, will mobilize 50,000 men from 25 countries operating under the two main NATO commands, Atlantic and Europe. Who: The North Atlantic Treaty organization What: launch a two-week exercise Why: to test its ability to react to simultaneous crises in northern and southern Europe 参考译文: 布鲁塞尔—北大西洋公约组织今天举行了代号为‘坚强决心’的军事演习。此次演习为期两周,旨在大规模测试其成员国同时应对欧洲北部和南部危机的反应能力。来自其传统大西洋-欧洲防区25个成员国的5万名士兵参加了演习 Exercise Read the following news brief quickly and decide which statement is the main idea of this brief? 1.Geneva--- A 38-year-old Spanish man briefly hijacked a French airliner on Majorca(马略卡岛) Sunday and threatened to blow it up to protest France’s plans to resume nuclear testing, then surrendered in Geneva without a struggle after releasing 298 passengers and crew. An official at Geneva’s Cointrin Airport described the man as unbalanced. 参考译文: 日内瓦—周日,一名38岁的西班牙籍男子劫持了一架飞往马略卡岛的法国班机,并威胁要炸毁飞机以抗议法国的核实验计划。该男子稍后在日内瓦释放了298名乘客和全体机组人员后自首。据日内瓦机场的一名官员描述,该劫机男子精神不太正常。 a.A Spanish man hijacked a French airline to protest France’s nuclear testing. b. A Spanish man wh


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