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2015浙江电大《财经英语》期末复习资料(含答案) 2015浙江电大《财经英语》期末复习资料(含答案) 资料1第一部分交际用语(共计10分)1. ----Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now?----________.A. Sorry, he is busy … 妈妈就是一本书妈妈就是一本书,里面写满了关怀和爱护。翻开书,第一节,——付出。有一次,我晚上发了高烧,额头热得烫人。这时,外面哗哗的下起了雨,爸爸又不在家,妈妈没办法,只好抱着我去医院。医生给我打了一针,我才退了烧。我醒来见妈妈身上湿淋淋的,无力的坐… 第5课 《古诗两首》导学案课题组:语文组 主备: 复核:【学习目标】1.学习6个生字,借助注释理解词句的意思。 2.有感情的朗读课文,背诵课文,默写课文。3.理解诗中所含的哲理,体会诗人的心境,能把读诗的感受与他人交流。【学习重点难点】体会含有人生哲… 2015浙江电大《财经英语》期末复习资料(含答案) 资料1 第一部分 交际用语(共计10分) 1. ----Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now? ----________. A. Sorry, he is busy at the moment. B. No, you can?t. C. I don?t know. 2. ----Please give me a receipt. ----_________. A. Okay. That?s fine. B. Sure. Here you are. C. Yes. You are right. 3. -----It?s a fine day, isn?t it? -----________. A. Yes. I?m fine. B. No, I don?t think so. C. Yes, it is. 4. ----What?s the problem, Harry? ----________. A. No problem. B. Thank you for asking me about it. C. I can?t remember where I left my glasses. 5. -----Linda, can you give me a lift after work? -----___________. A. No problem. We go the same direction. B. Thank you for your offer C. Let me think a while 第二部分 词汇与结构(共计40分) 6. If I ______ more time, I would go to evening school. A. had B. have C. will have 7. This is the reason____ I need a loan. A. then B. that C. why 8. ________a computer will help prepare a year-end accounts. A. Use B. To use C. Using 9. Franco puts in a lot of_____ into his job. A. cash B. effort C. interest 10. The building_______ next year. A. built B. will be built C. will build 11. Three times two________. A. equals five B. makes five C. is six 12. She?ll cook if she_____ time. A. has B. have C. does 13. The accounts must be signed,_____ they are filed with the government. A. after B. before C. while 14. She studies English____ she has time. A. whenever B. where C. always 15. You will help, ___ you? A. can’t B. will C. won’t 16-20 小题:配对 16. pension A. 结余 17. balance B. 记账 18. b



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