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常用国际法词汇 sources of international law 国际法的渊源 treaties条约 custom习惯 genaral priciples of law 一般法律原则 priciple of good faith 善意原则 pacta sunt servada 约定必守原则 priciple of estopel 禁止反言原则 judicial decisions 司法判决 the teachings of publicista 公法学家的学说 resolutions of international organitions 国际组织的决议 jus congens 国际法基本原则 the subjects of international law国际法主体 a permanent population有定居的居民 a defined territory有固定的领土 government 政府 independence or sovereignty 独立的主权 state succesion国家继承 succesion of government 政府继承 protectorates and protected states 保护领地与被保护国 mandated and trust territories委任统治地和托管地 recognation承认 recognation of states国家的承认 the constitutive theory构成说 the declaratory theory 宣告说 recognation of government 政府的承认 the doctrine of effective control 有效控制原则 de facto and de jure recognation 事实承认与法律承认 conditional recognation 有条件承认 withdrawal of recognation承认的撤销 non-recognationt territory 领土 territory disputes 领土争端 the principle of respect for territorial integrity states 互相尊重领土完整 territory sovereignty 领土主权 terra nullius 无主地 derivative roots of title 派生权利 original title 固有权利 res communis 公共地 intertemporal law 情势变更原则 the scrutiny of demostic jurisdition 国内管辖权的审查 the acquisition of territory 领土的取得 occupation of terra nullius 先占 prescription 时效 cession 割让 accreetion 添附 subjugation or conquest 征服 effective occupation 有效占领 assert the sovereign right to the territory 主张领土主权 the principle of contiguity 临近原则 the principle of continuity 连续性原则 null and viod 无效 self-defense 自卫 the transformation of the course of a river 河流改道 the median line between the two banks 河流中心线 the middle line of the navigable channel 航道中心线 adjudication司法裁定 the doctrine of uti possidetis 先占原则 lease 租借 servitude 国际地役 jurisdiction 管辖权 legislative juridiction 立法管辖权 executive juridiction 行政管辖权 judicial juridiction 司法管辖权 apprehension 逮捕 the host state 东道国 civil juridiction 民事管辖权 criminal juridiction 行使管辖权 the common law countries 普通法系国家 the continental law countries 大陆法系国家 the defendant 被告 the territoral principl



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