全新版大学英语综合教程五 B5-U7 读写课本练习答案.doc

全新版大学英语综合教程五 B5-U7 读写课本练习答案.doc

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全新版大学英语综合教程五 B5-U7 读写课本练习答案 Unit 7 Key to Text Exercises Text A Vocabulary: I 5. Study the meanings of the phrasal verbs and the illustrative examples and then fill in each of the gaps of the sentences with an appropriate phrasal verb in tis proper form. 1) fall under 2) fall behind 3) had fallen apart 4) fall back on 5) fall to 6) had left off 7) leave out 8) Leaving aside 9) be left alone 10) left behind Vocabulary: II Usage 1. a. figurative b. literal 2. a. literal b. figurative 3. a. figurative b. literal 4. a. literal b. figurative 5. a. figurative b. literal 6. a. literal b. figurative Comprehensive Exercisess I. Cloze 1. Text-related (1) legalize (2) philosophy (3) sober (4) addicts (5) spouses (6) deceit (7) dwindle (8) pile up (9) lured (10) criminal (11) revenue (12) hit the headlines 2. Theme-related (1) indicate (2) compulsive (3) addictions (4) financial (5) combination (6) blueprint (7) retirees (8) explosion (9) identified (10) trigger II. Translation Text B Comprehension Check 1. d 2. c 3. d 4. c 5. a 6. b Translation 客户指控他侵吞赠与款项。根据法庭记录,当时的一个同事说洛塞莫尔偷他的个人支票并伪造签名。 洛塞莫尔的两个孩子还在上学,目前他已离婚,正在俄亥俄一家戒毒中心接受治疗。他将于 1 百度搜索“就爱阅读”,专业资料,生活学习,尽在就爱阅读网92,您的在线图书馆 下月初返回印第安纳的监狱等待受审。他可能得花好多年时间做出补偿,而其律师身份却将难保。 Language Practice 1. Match the definitions in Column B with words or phrases in Column A 1) h 2) f 3) e 4) b 5) g 6) d 7) c 8) a 2. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases chosen from the box. Change the form where necessary. 1) publicized 3) has discovered to his cost 5) go public 7) accusing 9) license 11) had filed 2) bore the brunt of 4) agent 6) documented 8) add up 10) prosecution 12) wreck 2 百度搜索“就爱阅读”,专业资料,生活学习,尽在就爱阅读网92,您的在线图书馆 篇二: 部门及员工绩效考评制度 部门及员工绩效考评管理制度 为规范公司对部门和员工的绩效考评制定本制度。 1.目的 通过对部门和员工日常工作和行


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