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如何成为一个聪明的人 前言 制定本文件的目的是为我们的军队提供各种方法和手段,以保护我们在2010年《国家安全战略报告》中阐述的长期国家利益,并实现2010年版《四年防务评估报告》中阐述的国防目标。1986年的《戈德华特—尼科尔斯国防改组法》赋予了参联会主席协助总统及国防… 语文试卷七年级(上) 2015—2016学年度第一学期12月份月考 试卷满分120分 积累与运用(共33分) 一、下列各题均有四个选项,其中只有一个是符合题意的。请将答案写在答题纸上。 (共21分,每小题3分) 1. 下列加点的字注音完全正确的一项是… 明代「前七子」领袖李梦阳 “庆阳亦是先王地,城对东山不窋坟。白豹寨头惟皎月,野孤川北尽黄云。天清障塞收禾黍,日落豁山散马群。回首可怜鼙鼓急,几时重忆郭将军。”这是一首描写庆阳的诗,写尽了庆阳几千年岁月,透露出一股雄浑悲壮的意韵,作者是明代著名文学家、… How To Be Smart 如何成为一个聪明的人? Too many people think that intelligence is a gift of nature and that there is little anyone can do to improve theirs. IQ tests have managed to confuse many of us, leading us to believe that intelligence is largely fixed. It is not. 很多人认为智力是天生的,以至于很少有人能通过后天来提高自己地智力。IQ测试让我们一直以为智力基本上是一定的。实则不然。 Just like swimming, cooking, dancing, and just about anything else, being smart is a skill that requires training. Unfortunately, our schools neglect to give us some of the most essential tools for being smart. 就拿游泳,烹饪,跳舞等技能来说吧,要想无所不能是需要一步步训练的。很遗憾,我们的学校恰巧没有给我们开发智力的工具。 So how did I discover these tools? It happened when I started working on my PhD. I didn抰 just want to do just any kind of research, I wanted to do research that mattered. The problem was that I had no idea how to do research, never mind research that mattered. So, I decided to try and understand professors that did important work. For years, I watched and I learned, and I am proud to say that I figured it out ?and it wasn抰 what I expected. I will now share with you some of what I learned. 那么,我该如何找到这些工具?刚开始我的博士生涯时,我找到了。我不仅想做任何门类的研究,还想做有重要意义的研究。问题是,我根本不知道怎么去做研究,更别说重要研究了。于是,我决定去深入了解做过重要建树的教授们。很多年以后,我学到了很多,并且我很欣慰我弄清楚了事实并非我之前预料的那样。我很乐意将我所学告诉大家。 Practice Self-Critical Thinking 学会自我批判 We are all familiar with critical thinking, the act of questioning the assumptions of arguments that are put before us. Critical thinking is an invaluable skill ?without it, we all become gullible and easily manipulated. The problems is that, we usually only apply critical thinking to other people抯 ideas


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