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本科生毕业设计(说明书) 题目:脉冲电磁铁磁性材料缺陷检测系统 设计 机械工程 学 院 机械工程及其自动化 专 业 学 号 0401080101 姓 名 陈问渠 指导老师 周德强讲师 二〇一二年六月 摘 要 检测对于压力容器生产及使用的重要性一直被人们所关注。而近些年,为了降低检测工作的劳动强度、提高检测结果的准确性,检测过程的自动化更是成为研究的重点。作为一项新的电磁检测技术,脉冲电磁检测拥有较高的自动化程度,不需要对压力容器表面进行打磨处理,既能发现表面和近表面裂纹的缺陷外,又可从外部发现压力容器内部的腐蚀坑等缺陷,使得脉冲电磁检测技术在压力容器在线检测上得到越来越多的关注。 论文首先介绍了脉冲电磁检测技术的研究背景,其次是脉冲电磁检测技术的特点以及国内外研究现状,并对检测系统的整体框架、脉冲电磁检测系统的工作原理及其理论基础进行了说明。然后基于脉冲电磁检测技术理论,设计了一套脉冲电磁检测系统用于铁磁性材料的压力容器缺陷的检测。由于金属裂纹是最常见的金属缺陷之一,因此本课题主要利用所设计的检测系统定量检测铁磁性试件裂纹的深度。该脉冲电磁检测系统可分为硬件和软件两个部分。其中硬件部分由信号发生器、功率放大电路、激励线圈、传感器、信号放大器、数据采集系统、计算机组成;软件部分使用LABVIEW实现对数据采集、滤波,MATLAB对数据进行分析及处理。通过实验,发现涡流峰值与金属裂纹深度之间有关联,据此可以对金属裂纹深度进行量化判断。 最后,对本文所设计的工作进行了总结、分析其不足,并对进一步研究进行了展望。 关键词:脉冲电磁检测,传感器,信号采集与处理 ABSTRACT The importance of detection for the production and the use of pressure vessels have been concerned in recent years. In order to reduce the labor intensity of the detection and to improve the accuracy of test results, the automation of the detection is to become the focus of the study. As a new electromagnetic detection technology, pulsed electromagnetic detection has a high degree of automation, which does not need polish the surface of pressure vessels and is able to find the defects of the surface and near surface, as well as the corrosion pits and other defects within the pressure vessel from the external. These make pulsed electromagnetic detection techniques get more and more attention in the online detecting of pressure vessels. Firstly, the paper introduces the background of pulsed electromagnetic detection technology, the characteristics and research status, and describes the overall framework and the working principle as well as theoretical based on the detection system. And then based on the technical theory of pulsed electromagnetic detection, a pulsed electromagnetic detection system for the detection of the pressure vessel defects is designed. As the metal crack is one of the most common metal defects, the


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