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分类号:K901 2013届本科生毕业论文 题 目: 气候变化与西晋王朝的兴衰 作 者 姓 名: 孙丹丹 学 号: 2012108126 系(院)、专业: 地球科学与工程学院 地理科学 指导教师姓名: 井红波 指导教师职称: 讲 师 2014年5月3日 摘 要 本文在总结前人研究成果的基础上,对西晋时期气候变迁作了一个大致的描述,并就气候变迁与西晋时期政治、经济、文化的关系以及王朝的兴衰等作了论述。本课题共分为两章,第一章为西晋气候的变化大势,第二章为气候对西晋的影响。第一章以举例、查阅文献的方法为主,将文献中的冷暖记载予以绘制出整个西晋气候变化引起自然灾害的图表,从而明晰西晋气候变化状况。第二章分为三个小节分别论述气候对西晋经济、政治和文化的影响,明显可知西晋王朝的盛衰与气候的冷暖波动并非为单纯的偶合。藉此说明气候变迁对西晋王朝的重大影响。气候变迁直接影响人类的生存环境,进而影响人类社会历史与文化,人类正是在变动不定的生存环境下创造着自身的历史和丰富多彩的文化,因此中国古代社会的发展与气候的变化在时间上表现出较强的一致性。而本文通过对历史文献的研究得出的基本结论是:与其他时代相比较,西晋时期气候相对寒冷。农业生产受到一定影响,农业社会发生一定的变动,对北方农业经济与社会产生了深远的影响,也是造成这一时期中国南北文化出现较大差异的因素之一。 关键词:气候变化 西晋 影响 Abstract In this paper, based on the results of previous studies on climate change, the Western Jin Dynasty made a rough description, and discusses the relationship between political, economic, culture, climate change and the Western Jin Dynasty and the rise and fall of the dynasty. This paper is divided into two chapters, the first chapter for the climate change trend, the second chapter is the influence of climate on the Western Jin dynasty. The first chapter mainly for example, literature, the literature and the Western Jin Dynasty records to draw the climate change caused by natural disasters to clear the chart, changes in climate. The second chapter is divided into three sections respectively discuss the impact of climate on the Xi Jin economic, political and cultural, temperature fluctuation not ups and climate obviously show the Xi Jin Dynasty to pure coincidence. To illustrate the important influence on the climate change of the Western Jin dynasty. Climate change directly affects the survival of the human environment, thereby affecting the history and culture of human society, human beings are in a volatile environment to create its own history and rich and colorful culture, so the development and change of cl


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