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摘要 随着全国高速公路通车里程的不断增长,交通事故率随之增加,交通安全问题日益突出。不良天气是高速公路安全行车的重大隐患,如何保障灾害天气条件下的高速公路的通行能力和交通安全已经成为每个国家都很重视的社会安全问题。为此,本论文所做工作如下: 根据不同灾害天气的特点,分析不同灾害天气对行车安全的影响。 本文总结了国内外的除冰雪技术和除雾技术 对高速公路上不同灾害天气进行预警分级,并给出了相应的交通管制措施。 依据交通工程理论和控制理论,探讨了车速控制、车距控制、匝道控制等高速公路管控策略。 总结论文主要工作并给出工作展望。 本文研究成果的应用有助于加强不利气候条件下高速公路的安全运营,最大程度降低因灾害天气造成的交通事故发生率,保障人民群众财产安全,发展经济、维护社会安定,以期获得最佳的经济和社会效益。 关键词:灾害天气、工程技术、灾害预警分级、车速控制、车距控制、匝道控制 ABSTRACT With the National Highway traffic mileage is growing, the rate increased traffic, safety issues become increasingly prominent.Disaster weather is the major highway traffic safety hazards, how to protect the severe weather conditions, highway traffic capacity and traffic safety has become a very great importance to each countrys social security issues. For this reason, the work of this paper is as follows: (1) According to the characteristics of various weather hazards, analysis of different disasters, the impact of weather on traffic safety. (2) This paper has summarized the addition to ice technology and defogging techniques (3) On the highway weather disasters, early warning of different grades, and the corresponding traffic control measures. (4) Based on traffic engineering theory and control theory, discusses speed control, vehicle distance control, ramp control, freeway management and control strategies. (5) The thesis work is given the work prospects. ??????The application of this research help to strengthen the highway under adverse weather conditions safe operation, minimize accidents due to disasters caused by weather, the incidence of ensuring that people and property, economic development, maintain social stability in order to get the best economic and social benefits. Key words: severe weather, engineering, disaster warning classification, speed control, vehicle distance control, ramp control 目录 第一章 绪论 3 1.1论文研究背景 3 1.2国内外研究现状 4 1.2.1国外研究现状 4 1.3论文研究目的及意义 9 1.4主要研究内容及技术路线 9 1.4.1研究内容 9 1.4.2技术路线 1


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