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形容词(adj.)和副词(adv.) 一. 翻译下列句子,划出句中的形容词(adj.) 1) He is a tall man. 2) There is something wrong with the watch. 3) He is clever. 4) Running in the morning makes him strong. 一.) 形容词的位置 1.形容词常放在______; 1) He is a tall man. 2) My beautiful present is on the desk. 3) I have five red pencils. 此时的形容词作_______________ 2.当形容词修饰由some-,any-,no-, every-构成的不定代词时,形容词要放在____________ 1) There is _________ _______ with the watch. 这个手表有点问题。 2) Is there ________ _________? 有什么重要的事情吗? 此时的形容词被称作_______________ 3.形容词可以放在 _______后 1) He is strong. 2) It’s getting warm. 3) The soup tastes delicious. 4) She fell asleep. 系动词有: be动词: ②感官类: 变化类: 此时的形容词被称作_______________ 4.形容词修饰补充说明_____的性质、状态 1) Running in the morning makes him strong. 2) We think the film really interesting. 3) Who has left the door open? 4) I found her asleep on the grass. 此时的形容词被称作_______________ 这类动词主要有_____________ 总结:形容词在句中常作______、______和______。 二. 什么是副词?有哪些种类? 一) 翻译下列句子,指出画线部分单词的词性  1. In summer , it always rains heavily . 2. I am very happy to see you today . 3. Surprisingly, Spurs got NBA championship of 2014 总结: 副词修饰1,____________ 2, ____________ 3,____________ 二) 副词常见类别: 1. 程度副词:fairly, pretty, rather, quite, very, much, too, greatly, almost, nearly, half, highly 在句中的位置: 一般放在被修饰的形容词或副词____面。 I am really sorry to hear that. The girls works very hard. The weather here is quite different from that in Nanjing. 2. 时间副词:now, then, soon, ago, recently, lately, later, before, early, today, tomorrow, yesterday, tonight, suddenly, immediately, still, already, just等 在句中的位置: 通常位于句___,先_____后_____, 时间副词还可以放在句___ They went swimming in the river yesterday. Yesterday they went swimming in the river. 4. 频度副词:always, usually, often, frequently, seldom, sometimes, never, hardly, rarely, constantly, occasionally等 在句中的位置 1)通常___动词、___________动词之后 The boy is often late for sc


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