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初一英语作文.怎样向笔友介绍照片上的家庭(自己家的) 初中一年级英语作文:我家庭的一张照片 A Photo of my familyLook at photo of my family.You can see my father,my mother,my brother an I.We are in Beijing Zoo.There are a lot of people in the zoo and the weather is fine.Look!My father is drinking water.My mother is beside him.She is laughing.My brother is hold an ice cream.I’m watching the monkeys!They are interesting.I love traveling. 篇二:初中英语介绍自己和家庭成员的写作句型 写作话题: 介绍自己 写作思路: 第一步:确定自我介绍的内容和顺序。 第二步:列举自我介绍的句型。 第三步:成段成篇,修订完善。 文章内容要素: 1.姓名 (姓、名、中文名/英文名) Im ...My name is ... My first name is ....My last name is ... My Chinese name is ...My English name is ... 2.年龄 I am...(years old) 3.性别 I am a girl./I am a boy. 4.所在学校 I am in ...Middle School. 5.联系方式(电话号码, QQ号码等) My telephone/ QQ number is......(写数学数字) 学会在句子间使用连词:and 写作话题: 介绍自己的家庭 写作思路: 第一步:自我介绍。 第二步:介绍家人。 第三步:表达情感。 文章内容要素: 1.自我介绍。Im ... My name is ... 2. 引出家庭照片: This is my family photo. / This is a photo of my family. (一张照片) These are my family photos./ These are two nice photos of my family. (两张照片) 3介绍照片中的人物: ......are/is in the first photo. 例子: 我的父母在第一张照里。 My parents are in the first photo. ......are/is in the next photo. 例子: 我的妹妹在下一张照片里。 My sister is in the next photo. Look at the first photo,..... / Look at the next photo,...... 如果只有一张照片,可以直接介绍 Look at the photo. Look! This is my family photo. This is .../That is... These are .../Those are... There are ( ) people in my family. 我家有____人。 They are my mother 、father and 4.具体介绍家庭成员 This is my mother.She is ..../Her name is ... I have a cousin.He is ...../His name is ... 5.表达情感。 I have a happy family. I love my family very much 假设你是Li Ming, 你给你的笔友Tom寄去了一张你的全家福,然后在信中向他介绍你的全家。信的开头和结尾已给出,字数在50词左右。 Dear Tom, ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________


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